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Degree Of Comparison

Degree of comparison is a very important topic in grammar, lets discuss its rules.

There are three types of degree

  1. Positive degree
  2. Comparative Degree
  3. Superlative degree

    Rule 1 : Rule of One of the 

    SD: One of the 
    CD: than many other
    PD: very few

    1. Nanded is one of the biggest cities
    CD: Nanded is bigger than many other cities.
    PD: Very few cities are as big as Nanded

    2. English is one of the easiest languages

    CD: English is easier than many other languages
    PD: Very few languages are as easy as English.

    3. Cobra is one of the deadliest snakes.

    CD: Cobra is deadlier than many other snakes.
    PD: Very few snakes are as deadly as cobra.

    4. Politeness is one of the greatest qualities.

    CD: Politeness is greater than many other qualities
    PD: Very few qualities are as great as politeness.

    5. Tiger is one of the most ferocious animals.

    CD: Tiger is more ferocious than many other animals.
    PD: Very few animals are as ferocious as tiger.

    Rule 2: Rule of the
    SD: the
    CD: than any other
    PD: No other

    1. Mumbai is the biggest city.

    CD: Mumbai is bigger than any other city
    PD: No other city is as big as Mumbai

    2. English is the easiest language

    CD: English is easier than any other language.
    PD: No other language is as easy as English.

    3. Cobra is the deadliest snake

    CD: Cobra is deadlier than any other snake
    PD: No other snake is as deadly as snake.

    4. Politeness is the greatest quality.
    CD: Politeness is greater than any other quality
    PD: No other quality is as great as politeness.

    5. Tiger is the most ferocious snake.

    CD: Tiger is more ferocious than any other snake.
    PD: No other snake is as ferocious as tiger.

    Rule 3: Comparison between the two

    CD to PD

    If there is comparison between the two, SD is not possible, in that case just convert PD to CD and vice versa.

    1. Mumbai is bigger than Pune
    = Pune is not as big as Mumbai
    2. English is easier than French
    = French is not as easy as English.
    3. Cobra is deadlier than Viper
    = Viper is not as deadly as Cobra
    4. Politeness is more important than Pride
    = Pride is not as important as Politeness.
    5. Tiger is more ferocious than Leopard.
    = Leopard is not as ferocious as tiger

    Rule 4 : Comparison between the two

    PD to CD
    1. I am not as lazy as you are
    = You are lazier than I am

    2. Hardwork is as important as talent
    = Talent is not more important than hardwork.

     3. He is as industrious as my friends.
    = My friends are not more industrious than he is

    4. We are as active as you are
    = you are not more active than we are

    5. Jamun is as sweet as jilebi.
    = jilebi is not sweeter than jamun.
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