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Std.12 | All poems Figures of Speech In One click

Here are figures of speech of all the poems in one touch, useful for students

figures of speech std 12 th

Figures of speech Of All the Poems of Std 12

           Poem 1  The Song Of The Open Road

1. Name and explain figure of speech.

1)      Strong and content , I travel the open road.
          :-       Inversion : Here, words are not arranged in a correct
          The correct order is:
          I travel the open road strong and content.

2)      I carry them, men and women I carry them.
          :-      Repetition : Here, the words I carry are repeated pleasingly for
          musical effect.

3)      The long brown path before me leading whenever I choose.
          :-       Alliteration: Here, the sound of ‘l’ is repeated pleasingly for
          musical effect.

4)      Henceforth I ask for good fortune.
          I myself am good fortune.
          Ans: Repetition : Here, the word good fortune is repeated
for musical effect.

5)      Done with indoor complaints libraries, querulous criticism.
           Climax : Here, ideas are arranged in an ascending order of their

          Note: This is a free verse poem.
          A poem without rhyme scheme is known as free verse poem.

6)      Afoot and light hearted.
          I take to the open road.
:-       Inversion : Here, words are arranged in a correct prose order.
          The correct prose order is
          I take to the open road.
          Afoot and light hearted.


                                              2     Indian Weavers

1.  Weavers weaving at break of a day.
          Alliteration : Here, the sound of ‘w’ is repeated pleasingly for musical effect.

2. Why do we weave a garment so joy.?
          Interrogation : Here, a question is asked for a great emphasis.

3. Blue as the wing of a halcyon wild.
          Alliteration: Here, the sound of ‘w’ is repeated pleasingly for musical effect.

Simile : Garments colour is directly compared with the plumes of a peacock.

4. Like the plumes of peacock
          Alliteration : Here, the sound of ‘p’ is repeated pleasingly for musical effect.

5.   Weavers weaving solemn and still.
    Alliteration : Here, the sound of ‘s’ is repeated pleasingly for musical effect.

6. What do you weave in the moonlight chill?
      Interrogation : Here, a question is asked for a great emphasis.

7. White as a feather and white as a cloud.
      Repetition: Here, the word white is repeated pleasingly for musical effect.

      Simile : Here, the color of the cloth is compared to the feather.

8. We weave a dead man’s funeral.
Alliteration : Here, the sound of ‘w’ is repeated pleasingly for musical effect.

Note : The rhyme scheme of the poem is aa bb.


                                                        3.   The Inchcape Rock

1. No stir in the air.
          No stir in the sea.
          Repetition : Repetition of words for musical effect.

2. On a buoy in the storm it floated and swung.
     Alliteration : Here, the sound of ‘s’ is repeated pleasingly for musical effect.

3. The ship was as still as she could be.
     Personification : Here, the ship is personified by giving the human quality.

4. Gurgling sound
     Onomatopoeia : Here, sound suggests the meaning.

5. On the deck the River takes his stand.
      Inversion : Here, words are not arranged in a correct prose order.
The correct order is- The Rover takes his stand on the deck

6. O Christ:
      Apostrophe : Here, there is a direct address.

7. Sir Ralph the Rover.
    Alliteration : Here, the sound ‘r’ is repeated pleasingly for musical effect.

8. The boat is lowered the boatman row.
    Alliteration: Here, the sound of ‘b’ is repeated pleasingly for musical effect.

9. One dreadful sound could be Rover hear.
      Inversion : Here, words are not arranged in a correct prose order.
      The correct prose order is.
      The Rover could hear one dreadful sound.

10. The sip was as still as she could be.
      Alliteration :  Here, the sound of ‘s’ is repeated pleasingly for musical effect.


                                                                               4.Have You Earned Your Tomorrow


1. Were you selfish pure and simple.
    Alliteration : Here, the sound of ‘s’ is repeated pleasingly for musical effect.

2. Is there anyone to utter now a kindly word of you?
     Interrogation : Here, a question is asked for a great emphasis.

3.  Is a single heart rejoicing over what you did or said?
      Synecdoche : Here, a part represents the whole.  
      Heart represents  a whole person.

4.  Its toiling time is through.
     Alliteration: Here, the sound of ‘t’ is repeated pleasingly for musical effect.

5. Or is someone mighty grateful for a dead you did today?
     Alliteration : Here, the sound of ‘d’ is repeated pleasingly for musical effect.

6. Was it well or sorely spent?
     Alliteration: Here, the sound of ‘s’ is repeated pleasingly for musical effect.

7.  Did you give cheerful greeting?
     Transferred epithet : Here, the adjective cheerful is transferred from person to

8.  Were you selfish pure?
     Oxymoron : Here, opposite words selfish and pure are placed side by side.

9. Can you say tonight in porting with the day that slipping fast?
     Personification : Here, day is personified by giving human quality of movement.

10. Did you leave a trail of kindness or scare of discontented are used?
       Antithesis : Here, opposite words kindness and discounted are used.


                                                                               5.  Father Returning Home


1. Like a word dropped from a long sentence.
     Simile : Here, a father is directly compared to a word having similar appearance or condition

2. My father travels on the late evening train.
     Alliteration : Here, the sound of ‘t’ is repeated pleasingly for musical effect.

3.  Man’s estrangement from a manmade world.
     Alliteration : Here, the sound of ‘m’ is repeated pleasingly for musical effects.

4.  Static on the road.
      Onomatopoeia: Here, sound suggests meaning.

5.  Standing among silent commenters.
      Alliteration : Here, the sound of ‘s’ is repeated pleasingly for musical effect.

6. Suburbs slide past his unseeing eyes.
     Alliteration : Here, the sound of ‘s’ is repeated pleasingly.

7.  He hurries across the length of the grey platform.
     Metaphor: Here, grey platform is compared with old age.

8.  His shirt and pants are soggy.
      Alliteration : Here, the sound of ‘s’ is repeated pleasingly for musical effect.

9.  Home again I see him drinking weak tea.
     Transferred epithet : Here, the adjective weak is transferred from person to tea.

10. The cold water is running over.
     Personification : Here, the cold water is personified by giving human quality of

11. Fade homeward through the humid monsoon night.
     Transferred epithet : Here, the adjective humid is transferred from the weather to

                                                        6.  Money

1. Felt I like a child think I.
     Inversion : The words are not arranged in a correct prose order.

     The correct prose order is –
      I think I felt like a child.

2.  Wives do hum like bees.
      Simile : Here, wives are directly compared to bees having similar quality of singing.

3.   When I had money, money o.
       Repetition : Here, there is a repetition of word ‘money’ for musical effect.

4.  Humming like bees.
      Onomatopoeia : Here, sound suggests  the meaning.

5.  Many false man as a friend.
     Antithesis : Here, two words false man and friend have opposite meaning.

6. Poor ones laugh, rich ones frown.
     Antithesis : Here, poor and rich.
     laugh and frown have opposite meaning.

7. Poor men need not go up the rich men should come down.
    Antithesis : Here, poor and rich have opposite meaning.

8. Came knocking all day at my door.
    Alliteration : Here, the sound of ‘d’ is repeated pleasingly for musical effect.

9.  When I had money , o money.
    Repetition : Here, the word money is repeated pleasingly for musical effect.

                                                             She Walks in Beauty
1.      Name and explain figure of speech.
Ans: Personification
         Here smile is personified by giving human quality of winning something.
2.     Like the night of cloudless climes and starry skies.
Ans: Simile
         Here beauty is directly compared to cloudless starry skies.
3.      In every raven tress.
Ans: Metaphor
         Hair color is compared to raven.
4.     Cloudless climes and starry skies.
Ans: Alliteration
         Here the sound  of c and s is repeated pleasingly for musical effect.
5.      Best of dark and bright.
Ans: Antithesis
          Here opposite words dark and bright are used.
6.       One shade the more one ray the less.
Ans:  Antithesis
           Here opposite words more and less are used.

                                                       Small Towns and Rivers
1.       Name and explain figure of speech.
Ans: Personification

           Here river is personified by giving soul.
2.       Is the wreath sad?
Ans:  Interrogation
          Here a question is asked for a great emphasis.
3.       Is the wreath Sad?
Ans:  Transferred epithet
          The adjective sad is transferred from person to wreath.
4.       Life and death
          Only rituals are permanent
          Here opposite words life and death are used for great emphasis.
5.       Want to walk God
          Here the sound of ‘w’ is repeated pleasingly for musical effect. 

6        The river has a soul

       Personification: Here the river is personified by conferring a soul

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