Written by 9:29 pm Std.12 English

Std.12 | Poetic Appreciation | Song of the Open Road

Here is the poetic appreciation of Song of the open road of std 12th , useful for students. this question appears for four marks, and it is compulsory, You have to learn or you can use it in your language

Song of The Open Road

Poetic Appreciation | Std 12 th
1. Song of the Open Road

Read the extract and write a poetic appreciation of the poem with the help of the following points.
1. About the poet and the title
2. The Theme
3. Language, and poetic devices used 
4. Special features
5. Your opinion about the poem.


                                 Song of the Open Road 
About the poet and the poem:
This inspiring and motivational poem is written by the American poet Walt Whitman. The poem ‘The Song of the Open Road’ is about an optimistic and energetic attitude. The poet Walt Whitman is known for his free verse poems. The title itself signifies the optimistic approach of the poet towards life his carefree nature and his great confidence.

Theme: Here the title open Road signifies freedom,here the road refers to mobility. The poet wants to lead a significant and free life away from any burden or restrictions he expects a burden-free life for or him.

Language Poetic Device
The language used here is quite simple and easy to understand. It is a free verse poem means it has no rhyme scheme. We notice repetition in verses and transferred epithet. It is a dramatic monologue. The first stanza is of three lines and the remaining are four lines.

Special features
The poem invites motivation for us , it is a free verse poem. It attracts readers to a new way of life that the poet himself wants to enjoy.

The Poem gives a message of self-reliance and its significance. It insists on a carefree life , burdened free attitude. We should not depend on fortune and its pattern. We should have our attitude towards life.

My Opinion about the poem
It is one of my favourite poems as it teaches us the value of self-confidence and self-reality. This Poem has taught me that we should lead an optimistic and energetic life. The poem is short but teaches great values of life.

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