Motivational Stories

Motivational Stories

23 .Never Listen to ill minded people – A Motivational Story

Once in a certain village, there used to live a great saint. He was famous for his wisdom, many people used to come to listen to him, his sermons, and his advice. One day he was with his disciples ,suddenly a man came and started to abuse him. The saint just kept silent, he didn’t …...

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Motivational Stories

24.Change Your Mentality – Problems will be changed – A Motivational Story

Once there was a young man. He was very sorrowful. All the things happened in his life seemed to be against him. He decided to get a solution from his mentor. His mentor or guide listened to his complaint carefully. He took some salt and poured it into a glass. He asked the young man. …...

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Motivational Stories

22 .A Motivational Story – Pride Always Falls

pride and ego always invite destructions for us ,, here is the story related to ego and pride

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Motivational Stories

20 Anger – Our Greatest Enemy – A Motivational Story

Once in a certain city, there was a young man. Recently he got a job. He worked hard and the company promoted him as the manger getting pleased with his work. The company also gifted him a wonderful car as an incentive and an award. The young man was very happy. He happily brought the …...

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Motivational Stories

21.Talking About Others Is A Waste Of Time – A Motivational Story

Once a person came to Socrates and said, ”I want to mention something about your friend.” Socrates said, “Very good, i’m wanting to listen but please answer three questions before you tell about my friend,” First Question: Whatever you’re getting to tell about my friend, have you ever listened or...

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Motivational Stories

Life Is Never A Chapter OF Problems ( A MOTIVATIONAL Story 19)

Here is a story that will change your thinking about problems , as many people consider problems as challenges of life but certain problems can be solved by our attitude

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Motivational Stories

The Merchant and the woodcutter ( motivational story 18)

A moral story regarding our work , the need of innovation and upgradation in our work

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Motivational Stories

God Helps those who help themselves – A Motivational Story(17)

A motivational story that may change our mindset

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Motivational Stories

Great People Have Great Qualities (16.A Motivational Story)

Here is a motivational story for those who aspire greatness in life.

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Motivational Stories

EGO Spoils Our Life (15. A Motivational Story)

Here is a story that tells how ego or evil pride always spoils us and ruin our life, a motivational story for those who protects ego and pride.

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