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English Worksheet – Change The Voice

Here are the examples for change the voice practice paper, study the rules before solving the paper

change the voice practice paper
1.   The sensex sets new records.
          (Rewrite beginning with ‘New records…………..’)
Ans :  New records are set by the sensex.
2.   The greatest lessons in life are learnt from children.
          (Rewrite it beginning with “We……………..’)
Ans : We learn the greatest lessons in life from children.
3.   His wife called several doctors.
          (Begin your sentence with ‘Several doctors’)
 Ans:  Several doctors were called by his wife.
4.   We planted flowering bushes.
           (Rewrite the sentence beginning with ‘Flower ingbushes…’)
 Ans: Flowering bushes were planted by us.
5.   They love all kinds of games and sports.
          (Rewrite the sentence beginning with, ‘All kinds of……….’)
Ans: All kinds of games and sports are loved by them.
6.   Human cells need at least 45 chemical components and elements.
           (Change the voice)
Ans:  At least 45 chemical components and elements are needed by human cells.
7.   I have made a suggestion to you. (Begin with ‘A suggestion..’)
Ans: A suggestion has been made to you by me.
8.   Sam was joined by galahs.
          (Rewrite the sentence beginning with ‘Galahs……………’)
Ans: Galahs joined sam.
9.   He was elected vice-president of the students council.
          (Rewrite it beginning with’ They……………….’)
Ans : They elected him vice-president of the students council.
10.   In sensitive areas police kept a strict vigil.
          (Rewrite beginning with ‘A strict vigil……………..’)
Ans: A strict vigil was kept in the sensitive areas by police.
11.   I loved it. (Rewrite beginning with ‘It……………..’)
Ans:  It was loved by me.
12.   These new trees brought back the insects.
          (Rewrite the sentence beginning with The insects……….’|
Ans: The insects “were brought back by these new trees.
13.   I have kept back nothing else.
          (Rewrite the sentence beginning with ‘Nothing…………..’)
Ans: Nothing else has been kept back by me.
 14. 400 cadets of 36 Maharashtra battalion NCC successfully carried out           ‘Operation water harvest’.
          (Rewrite the sentence beginning with ‘Operation     water harvest………….’)
Ans: ‘Operation water harvest was successfully carried out by 400 cadets of 36           Maharashtra battalion NCC.
15.   The original temple dedicated to the Ganga was erected by the Gurkha commander Amar Singh Thapa.
          (Begin the sentence with ‘The Gurkha commander……….’)
Ans:   The Gurkha commander Amar Singh Thapa erected the original temple           dedicated to the Ganga.
16.   The body cannot perform any of its functions.
          (Rewrite the sentence beginning with ‘Any of its…………’)
Ans :Any of its functions cannot be performed by the body. None of its functions           can be performed by the body.
17.   People generally assume that money brings happiness.
          (Start your sentence with’ Money brings.)
Ans:  Money brings happiness is generally assumed by people.
18.   Almost all varieties of disease can be produced by an undersupply of various nutrients.
(Rewrite the sentence beginning with’ An undersupply….’)
Ans:  An undersupply of various nutrients can produce almost all varieties of    disease.
19.   She had filled every page of the diary.
          (Rewrite the sentence beginning with’ Every…………’)
Ans: Ever page of the diary had been filled by her.
20.   Many primitive people made use of pictorial symbols.
          (Rewrite the sentence beginning with ‘Pictorial…………’)
Ans : Pictorial symbols were used by many primitive people.
21.   Almost all varieties of disease can be produced by an undersupply of various nutrients.
          (Rewrite the sentence beginning with ‘An undersupply…’)
Ans : An undersupply of various nutrients can produce almost all varieties of    disease.
22.       In India today we are making history.
(Rewrite beginning with ‘History……….’)
Ans :  History is being made in India today by us.
23.       The producers can save the consumer a good deal of time and money.       (Rewrite beginning with ‘A good…………….’)
Ans: A good deal of time and money of the consumer can be saved by the           producers.
24.       Parents give their children the names of gods.
          (Begins the sentence as’ The names of……………..’)
Ans: The names of gods are given to their children by parents.
25.       It can be stored for direct use. (Rewrite beginning with ‘We……………….’)
Ans : We can store it for direct use.
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