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Std.9 | CBSE | English | The Fun They Had | Worksheet

Here is the first lesson from 9th CBSE English textbook related to the futuristic school , the story is imaginary but it may happen in future

the fun they had std 9th CBSE

1. Margie was …………….years old.
a. 10
b. 11
c. 12

2. Margie always loved school.
a. True
b. False

3.  Tommy was ……………..years old.
a. 12
b. 13
c. 15
d. 17

4. The mechanical teacher was insisting tests on …………..
a. Science 
b. Maths
c. English
d. Geography

5. As mechanical teacher showed poor performance of Margie, her mother sent for ………….
a. Principal
b. Special Teacher 
c. Expert
d. County Inspector

6. The apple was given to Margie ………….
a. Because she was hungry
b. To make her comfortable
c. As a temptation
d. As a  tradition

7.  Margie had been learning since she was ……………years old.
a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8

8. The county inspector concluded that …………
a. Margie was not doing homework
b. She lost her confidence 
c. Geography sector was geared too quick
d. She didn’t pay attention 

9. Tommy’s teacher had been away from him for …………..
a. 20 days 
b. 30 days
c. 15 days
d. 25 days

10. …………….sector of Tommy’s teacher had blanked out.
a. Science
b. English
c. Maths
d. History

11. Margie opined that ……………
a. Man is clever than mechanical teacher
b. Mechanical teacher is clever than man 
c. Both are clever 
d. None is clever


12. The name of Margie’s mother was ………….
a. Mrs.James
b. Mrs.Mary
c. Mrs.Jhonsy
d. Mrs.Annie

13. Lastly Margie appreciated old school.
a. True 
b. False

14. Margie expected that …………………
a. Mechanical teacher should be taken away.
b. Mechanical teacher should be repaired.
c. The teacher should be permanently taken away.
d. The teacher’s teaching should be resumed soon.

15. Knowing about old teaching pattern, Margie and Tommy were ………………
a. Happy
b. Shocked 
c. Amused 
d. Angry

16. Margie was disappointed because …………..
a. Her Tv teacher was set right again.
b. The county teacher was disappointed 
c. She got less marks.
d. Her mother was angry.

17. The phrase ‘blank out’ means ………….
a. Gone black
b. Empty
c. Surprised
d. To be shocked

18. I wouldn’t throw ‘it’ away. Here it means………
a. Report
b. Books
c. Tele-book
d. Computer

19. ‘I wouldn’t throw it away’ the speaker of this line is ………….
a. Margie 
b. Mother 
c. Tommy
d. Teacher 

20. The expression Sigh is ____ related to 
a. relief
b. Stress
c. Support
d. Performance


Answer Key:
1. b. 11
2. b. False
3. b. 13
4. d. Geography 
5. d. County Inspector
6. To make her comfortable
7. b. 6
8. c. Geography sector was geared too quick.
9. b. 30 days
10. d. History
11. b. Mechanical teacher is cleverer  than man.
12. a. Mrs.Jhonsy
13. a. True
14. c. The teacher should be permanently taken away
15. c. Amused
16. a. Her Tv teacher was set right again
17. a. Gone black
18. c. Telebook
19. a. Margie
20. a. Relief

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