1] A careful preservation & protection of- Conservation
2] A crying evil- A deep rooted evil
3] A good explanation for one’s extraordinary behavior- Account
4] A government by one man – Autocracy
5] A hater of learning & knowledge – Misanthropes
6] A man who receives guests- Host
7] A millionaire A person – Who is very rich .
8] A pen name allotted to a living writer- pseudonym
9] A person studying the culture of primitive societies.
10] A person who cannot pay off his debts – Insolvent
11] A person who is indifferent to pain or pleasure – Stoic
12] A person who is unable to pay his debts – Bankrupt
13] A person with a bad reputation – Notorious
14] A person working for money & reward- professional
15] A remedy for all diseases- A panacea
16] A room for storing grains- Granary
17] A study of German literature- Gerministic Study
18] A thing which is not soluble
19] A vivacious person – lively
20] A word no longer in use- Obsolete
21] An office or a post with no work but high pay
22] Contrary to accepted opinions – Orthodox
23] Efforts done with critical awareness- Conscious efforts.
24] Those who believe readily – Credulous
25] Full power in the hands of one man- Autocracy
26] Having much wealth – Opulent
27] Highjacked- Carried away by force
28] International destruction of racial groups.
29] Looking forward hopefully- Expecting
30] Marrying one husband or one wife at a time – Monogamy
31] Murder of human being- Homicide
32] One who begins something for the first time – A pioneer
33] One who can speak many languages –linguist
34] One who deserts a high religious post – Apostate
35] The system of government by paid officials – Bureaucracy
36] One who draws or paints a picture- painter
37] One who eats anything- Omnivorous
38] One who goes through without permission – Trespasser
39] One who is a great orator & leader- Demagogue
40] One who is all powerful- Omnipotent
41] The study of origin of words- Etymology
42] One who looks at dark side of life- pessimist
43] One who plans or designs building- Architect
44] One who sells goods in small quantities- Retailer
45] One who thinks of the welfare of women- Feminist
46] One who visits planets – Astronaut
47] One who walks on foot- Pedestrain
48] Only the spoken language- Colloquial
49] Power in the hands of parliament- Plutocracy
50] The story of one’s own life written by oneself- Autobiography
51] Put your energy for work- Act on
52] Showing great strength- Herculean
53] Substances which kill insects & germs- Insecticides
54] That we cannot do without – Indispensable
55] The place where cricket is played- Pitch
56] The right to vote elections – Franchise