Written by 10:47 pm Competitive Exam English

Thoughts that may change your thoughts

it is rightly said , change your thoughts , life will be changed, following thoughts will make you thoughtful. they are immortal.

Some Immortal Thoughts

  1. Bad invites bad, try to be away from bad habits or bad friends.
  2. The greatest advantage of speaking truth is that there is no need to remember what we said.
  3. No road is long with good company.
  4. If you have good friends, no need of anyone to improve your qualities.
  5. Today’s lazy, tomorrows sufferer
  6. Always expect the unexpected.
  7. You buy an enemy when you lend money.
  8. Self help is the best help.
  9. Bad friends are more dangerous than fire.
  10. Habits know no cure.
  11. Man is known by his qualities not by kinsfolk.
  12. If character is lost, everything will be lost.
  13. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
  14. Handsome is what handsome.
  15. When the cow is old, she is soon sold.
  16. Cowards die many times before their death.
  17.  In this world, Some are wise, some are otherwise.
  18. Every man is sinner to some extent.
  19. Hard work is the boss of all qualities.
  20. Every man is unhappy in his own way.
  21. We are what our friends are.
  22. Life is a chapter of accidents.
  23. A good word costs nothing.
  24. When character is lost, everything is lost.
  25. Life without problems is like body without soul.
  26. Hurry makes worry, hurry spoils curry.
  27. A mistake is a mistake whether small or large.
  28. Fair words cheat both wise and fools.
  29. When one door shuts, another opens.
  30. Self love is the best love, love yourself first.

Video Link - Click Here To View The Video On Thoughts That May Change Your Thoughts

Video Link - Click Here To View The Video On Top Life Changing Thoughts

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