Written by 12:04 am Competitive Exam English

Use of For and Since

Since is used for point of time as for is used for period of time, generally they are used in present perfect continuous tense.

correct use of for and since practice sheet

Dear ones, 

since and for are used in present perfect continuous tense denoting time or duration,

but we have to remember that

for is used for period of time and

since is used for point of time

For ex: 

for ten years, for 10 days, for many years, for many months etc.

since Monday, since 8 pm, since morning

Now try your skill 

Q use for or since

  1.  He has been here……3 weeks
  2. I have been asking…..many days
  3. They have been dancing…….morning
  4. My friends have been playing …….morning
  5.  I have known him…..1985
  6. He has been studying….yesterday
  7. They have been asking…2 years.
  8. I have been teaching…..25 years
  9. The child has been crying….2 hrs
  10. I have been watching TV …..2 pm.


  1. for
  2. for
  3. since
  4. since
  5. since
  6. since
  7. for
  8. for
  9. for
  10. since


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