Written by 10:52 pm English Grammar Worksheet

18. Worksheet / Class Test – Articles

1] It is ______ RTC bus.
2] He is ______ LLB.
3] I am in ______ hurry.
4] He is going to ______ school.
5] I met a man. ______ man was tired .
6] ______ Tiger is a wild animal.
7] The cost is 50/- ______ kilo.
8] A cat has ______ tail.
9] He is ______ Salman Khan of our class.
10] It is ______ honorary job.
11] She is______ heiress of this estate.
12] ______ cow is a useful animal.
13] Help ______ needy.
14] Go to the east.
15] Mumbai is ______ London of India
16] I read ______ The Times.
17] I visited ______ university of Pune.
18] It is ______ anger that spoils us
19] Please bring______ tea for me.
20] We took ______ dinner at 10.
21] ______man is mortal.
22] ______Silver is a useful metal
23] I met him at ______ church.
24] We go to ______ church on Sunday.
25] He is in ______ hospital
26] We declared him ______ captain.
27] We made him ______ monitor.
Answer Key
1] an
2] an
3] a
4] x
5] the
6] x
7] a
8] a
9] the
10] an
11] an
12] the
13] the
14] the
15] the
16] the
17] the
18] x
19] x
20] x
21] x
22] x
23] x
24] the
25] x
26] the
27] the
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