Written by 11:57 pm English Grammar Worksheet

20. Worksheet / ClassTest – Modals

1] People_________ drive carefully (may/must)
2] _________ I drive (may/could)
3] You_________ do your duty (need/should)
4] I _________ stop drinking (may/must)
5] _________I borrow your pen (Must / Can)
6] Give me a lift. Why _________ I ? (Would /should)
7] We_________ be punctual (should/ought)
8] You _________ to go to him.(dare/need)
9] Anybody_________ make mistakes (can/will)
10] It _________ run tonight (may /must)
11] If you do this, you _________ be punished (shall/should)
12] Visitors _________ tease the animals (won’t /shouldn’t)
13] Walk fast lest you_________ be late (should /would)
14] He _________ to do exercise.(dared/ used)
15] _________ I go now ? (shall/will)
Answer Key:
1] must

2] may
3] should
4] must
5] can
6] should
7] should
8] need
9] can
10] may
11] shall
12] shouldn’t
13] should
14] used
15] shall
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