Written by 1:03 pm English Grammar Worksheet

32. Worksheet | ClassTest – Improve your Tense |

Tense is very important in the development of English, here are some examples to check your command on tense, use correct tense in the following sentences

Q  Use correct Tense

1. If the boy asks, his friends…. …. (ask).
2. If the boy  told, his friends………. ( listen).
3. If the boy had told, his friends …….. ( listen).
4. my friend …….. ( study) since morning.
5. All the students……. ( study) for 4 hrs that day.
6. some students…..( study) for two hours tomorrow.
7. As the teacher came,  the students…..( open) the book.
8. Hardly had they brought mangoes….. … ( than/ when) I  was joyous.
9. My friend…… ( finish) the cake before his friends arrived.
10. Rahul………( become) a doctor in 2030.
11. Rahul……..( become) a doctor by 2030.
12. I  never ……..( tell) a lie.
13. They………( come) tomorrow if we call him.
14. My friends…….. ( come) by this time.
15. I ……….(like) to ride cycle , it is her hobby.
16. Kumar………( come) just now.
17. As I  came, My younger brother….. ( hide) the sweets.
18. some students…….. ( study) at present.
19. I……. ( to be) never absent to class.
20. some students……. ( attend ) the class regularly this year.
21. My friends ……… ( finish) the work by evening.
22. some students……… ( ask) doubts when we saw her.
23. I……. ( know) some friends  for five years.
24. I,…….. ( study) this year.
25. The boys……. (watch) TV when we saw her.
26. Some kids …… ( to be ) here for 5 years.
27. Ram…….always.(help) the poor. 
28. Shyam….. ( go ) to his Maternal uncle s house in Holidays.
29. My students…… never ( tell) a lie.
30. He……… ( study) for   5 hrs yesterday.
31. I…….( eat) pavbhaji  everyday.
32. They ……never ( do) laziness.
33. We…..( sing) a song when the teacher entered the class.
34. I  ……..(like) to help her sister.
35. I…….. ( to be) there  for seven days.
36. He……. ( pass) the exam by  2030.
37. Some new students names …. ( to be) unknown to me.
38. I always …… ( give ) less homework.
39. By the time the doctor comes, they….. ( go).
40. If you keep distance, you….( control) this epidemic

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