Written by 9:59 pm Only CBSE

32. Worksheet / ClassTest – Std.10 From The Diary Of Anne Frank

1.Paper had more patience than *
a) Pen
b) People
c) Diary
d) Water
2.Anne’s best friend was *
a) Mother
b) Sister
c) Father
d) Diary
3.At marriage, her mother’s age was *
a) 20
b) 25
c) 30
d) 28
4.Her father emigrated to *
a) Germany
b) Holland
c) England
d) France
5.Anne stayed at Montessori nursery school till the age of ……………. *
a) 5
b) 6
c) 4
d) 7
6…………….are the most unpredictable creatures on the earth. *
a) teachers
b) friends
c) animals
d) birds
7. Mr.Kessing used to teach………… *
a) Science
b) Maths
c) English
d) Social
8.She inherited the habit of talking from……….. *
a) father
b) mother
c) both
9.An Incorrigible Chatter box was the ……………..essay. *
a) first
b) second
c) third
10……………helped her to write the essay in verse. *
a) mother
b) father
c) sister
d) friend

Answer Key
1. B. People
2. D. Diary
3. B. 25
4. B. Holland
5. B. 6
6. A. teachers
7. B. Maths
8. B. mother
9. B. second
10. D. friend

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