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59. Worksheet / ClassTest – Std.10_English_First Flight

First Flight practice

1. The Seagull had been in starvation for…………… *
a) 10 Hrs
b) 20 Hrs
c) 24 Hrs
d) 15 Hrs
2. The first lesson was taught by his parents to his siblings was…………….. *
a) to swim
b) to catch fish
c) to dive
d) to skim the waves
3. The Seagull was sure that……………… *
a) His wings would never support him.
b) He couldn’t fly
c) He couldn’t catch fish
d) He couldn’t jump
4. His parent encouraged him for possessing cowardice. *
a) True
b) False
5. The entire family…………the Seagull for his cowardice. *
a) Taunted
b) Encouraged
c) Prompted
6. His parents were ……..to see his brother catching the fish. *
a) Proud
b) Sorry
c) Happy
d) Angry
7. Only …………..was more sympathetic to the Segull. *
a) Father
b) Brother
c) Sister
d) Mother
8. The Seaguĺl was maddened by……. *
a) Anger
b) Fear
c) Hunger
d) Emotions
9. The Seagull landed on the…… *
a) Rock
b) Green Sea
c) Stone
d) Ledge
10. The green flooring refers to……. *
a) Plateau
b) Rock
c) Sea
d) Trees
11. The Seagull pretended to be…… *
a) Hungry
b) Awake
c) Sleepy
d) Angry
12. The mother tempted him with a fish to fly. *
a) True
b) False
13. The meaning of ‘whet’ is….. *
a) To cut
b) To join
c) To tear
d) To sharpen
14. …………..gave him scrapes of dog -fish. *
a) Mother
b) Father
c) Sister
d) All
15. The meaning of upbraiding is……… *
a) Scolding
b) Teasing
c) Troubling
d) Prompting
Answer Key:
1. C. 24 Hrs

2. D. to skim the waves
3. A. His wings would never support him.
4. B. False
5. A. Taunted
6. A. Proud
7. D. Mother
8. C. Hunger
9. B Green Sea
10. C. Sea
11. C. Sleepy
12. A. True
13. D. To sharpen
14. D. All
15. A. Scolding
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