Written by 5:59 pm English Grammar Worksheet

65. Worksheet / ClassTest – Parts Of Speech

here is a worksheet on parts of speech

Q. Identify Parts Of Speech.
1. I search him everywhere.
2. I do all the search.
3. I water the plants everyday.
4. I give water to the plants.
5. It is amazing.
6. I know his answer.
7. No one is allowed.
8. I called everyone.
9. They solved it for me.
10. We know her record.
11. I told a lie that day.
12. Speak to truth.
13. All are invited.
14. We don’t know its solution .
15. I always ask him.
16. She doesn’t carry it for me.
17. Lazy people always suffer.
18. Music is the food of soul.
19. Life is a flower and love its honey.
20. Pain is sweet when gain arrives.
21. Sweet talkers seem to be innocent.
22. All are invited.
23. Life is a chapter of miseries.
24. No one is a sinner by birth.
25. A house without books is a body without a soul.
Answer Key
1]      Verb
2]      Noun                 
3]      Verb                  
4]      Noun                 
5]      adjective          
6]      adjective          
7]      Pronoun           
8]      pronoun           
9]      preposition
10]    adjective          
11]    Noun                 
12]    Noun
13]    Pronoun           
14]    adjective          
15]    adverb
16]    Helping verb  
17]    Adjective         
18]    Noun                 
19]    Noun                 
20]    Noun                 
21]    Adjective
22]    verb                   
23]    Noun                 
24]    Noun    
25]    Preposition
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