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Inspiring Thoughts by Inspiring Personalities

Here are some inspiring thoughts by Great Personalities of the world , very inspiring

1]        Heaven never helps the man who will not act.
2]        Advantage is the gift of fortune.
– Anonymous
3]        An arrogant man loses his society very soon.
4]        A bad work man quarrels with his tools, nothing is more expensive than a start.
5]      A man is born according to his own past deeds.
-Bhagwad Gita
6]      A house without books is like a room without windows.
7]       Borrow from him who has an angel’s face and repay him who has a devil’s.
-Japanese proverb
8]        Borrowers should not be choosers.
– Proverb
9]        None but the brave deserves the best.
– Dryden.
10]      Man does not live by bread alone.
– New testament
11]      A cat in gloves catches no mice.
12]      Things do not change, we change.
– Thoreall
13]      The character is like white paper, if once blotted, it can hardly be ever made to appear white as before.
-I hawes
14]      A clever man is a practical man.
15]   Cowards are bad, but they are not the  worst; Clever man are good but they are not the best. Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste death but once.
16]      Earn by day and dance by night.
17]      Never was any thing great achieved without danger.
– Machiavetti
18]      My days among the dead are past.
-Robert Southey
19]       The wise grieves neither for the living nor for the dead.
                  – Bhagavad Gita
20]      Death like birth, is a secret of nature.
21]      One good school master is worth a thousand priests.
-R.G Ingersoll
22]       Where there is no hope, there can be no Endeavour.
-Samuel Johnson
23]       Desire is the very essence of man.
-B. Spinoza
24]      Wise men preach discipline, Great men practice it while fools defy it.
– Anonymous
25]       If a man is not ready to risk his life, where is his dignity.
-Andre Matraw
26]       Abuses are heard to bear.
27]       Every advantage has its tax.
28]      Anger makes dull men witty but is keeps them poor.
-Francis Bacon
29]       A bad name is worse than bad man.
30]      Behavior is a mirror in which everyone displays his image.
31]       Life is a bird.
–   Anonymous
32]      Neither a borrower nor lender, be.
33]      Borrowed garments never fit well.
–   Proverb
34]      Cowards die many times before their death, valiant’s taste death but once great men never know defeat.
– Shakespeare
35]      Bread is better than blossoms.
– Proverb
36]      Men have always been fighting for a cause.
37]      Chance seldom knocks at the door.
– Anonymous
38]      We cry about things we can’t change.
-Nayantara Sahgal
39]       Man is a slave to circumstances.
– Anonymous
40]      When people cease to complain, they cease to think.
41]      Creditors have better memories than debtors.
42]      Danger is the breath of my life.
43]      Great men never know defeat.
44]      Count your days by friends not years.
45]      Danger is never overcome without danger.
46]      Death and the sun are two things no man can outstare.
47]      Debit is the worst poverty.
-Thomas faller
48]      Desire is followed by sorrows.
49]      All human activity is prompted by desire.
-Bertrand Russell
50]      The best way out of difficulty is through it.
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