Written by 4:38 pm Vocabulary

Artisan and Their Tools

Every artist has certain tools to carry his art, as the painter needs brush , in the same way different artists have different tools

Artisans and Tools
Artisans and toots
1.   Blacksmith        anvil
2.   Butcher chopper
3.   Carpenter saw
4.   Farmer plough
5.   Gardener spade
6.   Tailor needle
7.   Painter brush
8.   Potter wheel
9.   Fisherman net
10. Woodman axe
11. Shoemaker awl
12. Cook rolling pin
13. Typist typewriter
14. Doctor thermometer
15. Mechanic spanner
16. A railway guard flag,
17. Sweeper broom
18. Clerk pen
19. Teacher board,pen
20. Bricklayer paintbrush
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