Written by 11:13 pm Only CBSE

Graphic Representation of Prepositions, Correct Use Of Prepositions

Prepositions always confuse us, here is the graphical representation of prepositions to clear the confusion

Correct Use Of Prepositions

Graphic Representation of Prepositions8
Graphic Representation of Prepositions7
Graphic Representation of Prepositions6
Graphic Representation of Prepositions5
* I am in the house.
* I came into the house.
Graphic Representation of Prepositions4
Never Say
* What’s the time in your watch? (X)
* What’s the time by your watch? (√)

Correct Use Of Preposition

Graphic Representation of Prepositions3
* I am going to that circle

* I am running towords the circle
* I am going through the circle
* I came from that circle
Graphic Representation of Prepositions2
I am running along the road.
I am running across the road.

Correct Use Of Prepositions

Graphic Representation of Prepositions1
1] I am on the wall
2] I am behind the wall
3] I am by the wall
1] I am on the box.
2] The fan is above the box.
3] The birds are flying over the box.
4] The tublight is beneath the box
5] It is below the box
6] We are under the box.
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