Written by 1:06 pm Grammar For All

Modals – Useful exercise for English learners

Modals play a great role in the development of English, here is the exercise for the students.

Q 1 Use Proper Modals

  1. It is cloudy, it……rain( may/ might)
  2. Sir, …….you clear my doubts?(  will/ would)
  3. I m sure, I …… achieve my goal.( will/ would)
  4. It is my gurantee, they ….come( will/ would0
  5. ………I go now?( shall/ will)
  6. It is a sunny day, it…..rain( may/ might)
  7.  I promise you that day, I ……be there.( will/ shall)
  8. Dear students, ……..you help me? ( will/ would)
  9.  Dear teacher, ……you you help me? ( will/ would)
  10. ………I come in sir?( may/ can)
  11. I m certain, he ,…….pass the exam.( may/ will)
  12. Run fast , you ……..miss the train if you dont run fast ( will/ might)
  13. You ……help the poor.( may/ should)
  14. I advise you that you…..obey your teachers.( will/ should)
  15. Its my order, you…..follow this.( may/ must/ should)
  16. It is about to rain, you….take the umbrella( should/ must)
  17. …………I disturb you ,dear kids.? ( can/ will/ may)
  18. …….I disturb you , dear sir? ( can/ may)
  19. Today is holiday, the office ……be closed.( may/ can/ might)
  20. He is studying hard, he ….. crack the exam.( will/ can/ must)
  21. You are late, you….catch the train. ( may/ might)
  22. Madam,……..you repeat the point? ( could/ can)
  23. If I work hard, I …..pass the exam.( will/ would)
  24. If I worked hard, I …..pass the exam. ( will/ would)
  25. It is Sunday, he ….be at home.( may/ might/ must)
  26. It is very hot today, we …..run fast. ( mustn’t/ cant/ shouldn’t)
  27. I am doubtful. He …..pass the exam. ( may/ might)
  28. Last year If I studied, I …..get good marks. ( can/ could)
  29. ………you live long ( can/ may)
  30. I ……attend the function, as I have a doctor’s appointment. ( cant / shouldn’t/ mayn’t

    1. May
    2. would
    3. will
    4. will
    5. shall
    6. might
    7. will
    8. will
    9. would
    10. may
    11. will
    12. will
    13. should
    14 should
    15. must
    16. should
    17. can
    18. may
    19. may
    20. will
    21. might
    22. could
    23. will
    24. would
    25. may

    26. shouldn’t/cant
    27. might
    28. could
    29. may
    30. cant
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