Written by 11:03 pm चला इंग्रजी शिकूया (मराठीतून)

चला इंग्रजी शिकूया – दिवस १३ वा

Answering Questions

कोणताही प्रश्न विचारताना खालील सूत्र वापरावे.
(Wh - Word + Helping Verb + Subject + Main Verb + ? )
For Ex. 1. When will you come?
2. Why did you trouble me?


1.  Who is he?
2. What is he?
3. Is it fine?
4. Is it fair for me?
5. When will you come?
6. Why are you late?
7. Where are you at present?
8. How do you study?
9. Who is your inspiration?
10. Do you believe in God?
11. What is this?
12. What is it?
13. What is it?
14. What is that?
15. What is this?


1. He is Mr.Joshi.
2. He is a doctor.
3. Yes, it is absolutely fine.
4. I don’t think so.
5. I will come here around 3 O’Clock.
6. Sorry to say, I got up late.
7. At present I am at the station.
8. I follow my teacher’s tips.
9. My inspiration is undoubtedly Ratan Tata.
10. Yes, absolutely.
11. It’s a marker.
12. It is a pot.
13. It is a cat.
14. That’s a sparrow.
15. It is a garden.
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