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Std.10 | Teenager’s Prayer |

one of the best poems for students , here is a worksheet for you

Tennagers prayer worksheet

Set - 1

Stanza I

Each day brings new beginnings,

Decisions I must make.
I am the only one to choose
The road that I will take.
I can choose to take the road of life,
That leads to great success
r travel down the darkened road,
That leads to great distress.
Please open up my eyes, dear Lord,
That I might clearly see
Help me stand for what is right,
Bring out the best in me.

A1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
1.The age group of the speaker in the poem is ……………………………
2.Each new day fetches……………………………………
A2. What decisions does the speaker have to take?
1. Choosing
2. Deciding
A3. Pick out the rhyming pairs from the stanza.      __________________________________________________________

Stanza II                             

Help,  Lord, to  just say “no”
When temptation comes my way,
That I might keep my body clean
And fit for life each day.
When my teenage years are over,
I know that I will see
That life is lived its very best
With you walking next to me.

A1.    Fill in the Blanks.
1.The poet wishes the company of.. ……………………..in the walk of life.
2. The poet wants to maintain his body …….………. and ……………………..
A2. What effect does the speaker wish to see in himself at the end of his teens?
A3. Identify the following figures of speech.
1. Help, Lord, to just say “no”__________________________________
2. And fit for life each __________________________________

Set - 2

  1. Choose the correct alternative and complete the given sentences.
  2. a) According to the poet,…………… are brought by each new

(new beginnings / new endings)

  1. b) We must decide to take the road which leads to ……………………..

(great distress/great success)

  1. c) The poet prays to the Lord to help him stand for what is ……………….. (might / right)
  2. d) The poet wants to see that his teenage years have been the years                                                          of  his life.    (worst/best)

2.Find and write the pairs of rhyming words from the poem.




  1. ……………………..


  1. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem ? Choose the correct one from the following options.

(i) aabb                (ii) abcd                 (iii) abcb                  (iv) abba

  1. Match the lines in Column A with the Figures of Speech in Column B.

Column ‘A’


Column ‘B’

(i) Decisions, I must make


(a) Apostrophe

(ii) Please open up my eyes, dear Lord


(b) Inversion

Iii )Travel down the darkened road

(iii)    I can choose to take the road of life


c) Metaphor


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