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Std.12 | English | Report Writing

Report writing is based on incident or any event .

report writing format and examples

Point to remember
1]      Report Writing should be around 100 to 150 words, (15 to 20 lines.)
2]      Take care of language, tense punctuation rules
3]      Use proper formal
4]      Avoid personal opinion.
5]      You can add thoughts, quotes etc.
6]      Use simple past tense.
 If possible prefer passive voice

Q.1   Your college has arranged an awareness programme on ‘Social media’ write a short report.


                                                                                      Social Media ( A Social awareness programme)
Latur Jan 26:
                 A grand social awareness programme was arranged on ‘Social media’ by MG college Latur on the auspicious occasion of Republic Day celebration, The chief guest was Mr. Achyut Godbole, a well known motivational speaker and famous writer.
                 Every year MG College Latur arranges social awareness programme on the occasion of Republic Day celebration This year the topic was social media- a boon or a curse ?. eminent   youth idol Mr-Achyut Godbole was specially invited .About 2000 students were present for the programme, about 500 parents were present to listen to  Achyut Godbole.
                 Firstly the president of the Institute Mr. Shankar Jadhav introduced the programme Mr. Godbole mentioned that social meadia has brought the world at one platform but today’s school and college students are misusing it as  a weapon to spoil their career, He encouraged the students by telling his own example, later many students asked their queries or questions . The programme ended /with vote of thanks. 

Q.2           Write a short report on blood donation camp arranged in your college.
                                                                       Blood Donation Camp

Latur Aug 15 2022:
                 A grand blood donation camp was arranged by Ch. Shivaji College on the occasion of Independence Day. About 250 college students participated in blood donation programme and dedicated their service for the sake of humanity.
                 Firstly the blood donation camp was inaugurated by well known Marathi actor Makrand Annaspure. He appreciated the work of the students’. Council.  Mr. Prabhakar patil, the president of students council’ demonstrated the significance of blood donation, about 150 college students voluntarily donated blood. Their participation enthusiasm was appreciable ,the camp got response more than expectation . it is one of the greatest donation camps the city has ever experienced. Lastly donors were given certificate and  mementos.


   Your college has arranged a motivational session How To Win for the students, write a report 

                                                               How To Win-  A motivational session
Latur Feb 11, 2025

         MG College, Latur has recently arranged an innovative session on ‘How to win’ on the auspicious occasion of Republic day celebration. It was arranged in the Assembly hall of the college in the morning session. The chief guest was Mr.Achyut Godbole, notable writer and eminent speaker.
      Every year MG College, Latur arranges a seminar on innovative prospects for the College students. This year they invited Mr.Achyut Godbole to address and motivate the students.
Firstly the president of the student council welcomed and honored him with a shawl and a memento. There was initial or introducing speech of Mr.Gopal Patil, the principal. He emphasized the need of motivation in our life. Later the most awaited moment of the chief guests speech Mr.Achyut Godbole encouraged and motivated the students by stressing the secrets if success is not a complex process but it is an outcome of handwork and handwork related qualities. His amiable and encouraging words changed the negative mindset of students. 
    Lastly many students asked queries or doubts to the chief guest. We all students thanked him for his mindset changing guidance and session. The program was finished with the vote of thanks.


    Your college has arranged a farewell function for the 12 th students, write a report on it

                                                          Farewell Ceremony for The 12 th Students

MG College, Latur Feb 21, 2025
           A grand farewell ceremony was arranged for the students of class 12th yesterday by me college Latur. About 500 students were present with their parents. The chief guest was collector Latur.

          The programme was conducted on a very emotional atmosphere. Firstly students sang a welcome song in honour of the guest. The collector and the principal of the college presided over the function. The teacher were felicitated with a memento who took efforts of the students. After that, there were speeches of the students. Some speeches were really emotional. Many students were in tears. The speech given by the collector was quite inspiring. All the teachers wished a prosperous future for the students
       Many students expressed their gratitude towards the teacher. Lastly students were given a delicious feast and the programe was ended with a national anthem.   

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