1. Don’t let yourself be controlled by three things: people, money, or past experiences.
2. Don’t ask how to start. Start, and then ask how to improve.
3. Happiness has less to do with pleasure and more to do with purpose.
4. Life gets easier when you expect a lot from yourself and little from the world. High standards, low expectations.
5. Life is harder when you expect too much from the world and too little from yourself.
6. In life, you can only control two things: your effort and your attitude.
7. Half of your problems are simply your mind turning minor issues into major ones.
8. People don’t decide their future; they decide their habits, and their habits decide their future.
9. Don’t look for secrets when what you need is repetition.
10. Be thankful every day, because even if you feel there’s nothing to be grateful for, your “normal” day is someone else’s dream
11. In every challenge or even tragedy, there’s an opportunity. If you train yourself to find the opportunity, you can take control of the situation and even turn it into something positive—or, if it cannot be entirely good, at least something good can come from it.
12. You will always have problems. Learn to enjoy life while solving them.