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Use of Though/Although/But – Worksheet

when we use thought we have to remove but from the sentence , actually though or although is same in nature , just although is a stressed assertion

use though or although
1]      Though the water is ice cold, pilgrims take a dip before offering puja.
          (Rewrite using ‘but’)
Ans :The water is ice cold but pilgrims take a dip before offering puja.  

2]   We are small and live close to the earth but we are safe from the wrath of the skies.          
        (Rewrite using ‘Although….’)
Ans : Although we are small and live close to the earth, we are safe from the wrath of     the skies.

3]      This pre-dawn massacre is a regular feature. Yet the cock­roach population has  not decreased.

         (Combine the sentences beginning with ‘Although…..’)
Ans : Although this pre-dawn massacre is a regular feature, the cockroach population has not decreased.

4]      You may say I’ am dreamer, but I’ am not the only one.
          (Rewrite using ‘though’)
Ans:  Though you may say I’ am a dream. I’am not the only one.

5] I have broken the twenty thousand feet world record and now I want to reach the
     thirty thousand mark. (Rewrite the sentence using ‘although’)
 Ans: Although I have broken the twenty thousand feet world record, now I want to reach the thirty thousand mark.
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