Written by 7:03 pm Spoken English

20 Ways To Say ‘ I am Sad’

In English improvement of language has no end, here are some alternatives to say ‘ I am sad’

20  Ways to express ‘ I am sad”

  1. I am greatly upset
  2. I feel blue
  3. I am dejected
  4. I am depressed
  5. I feel blue
  6. I really feel very miserable
  7. I am in low spirits
  8. I am despondent 
  9. I feel myself under  a cloud
  10. I am heartbroken
  11. I have rainy days nowadays
  12. I am out of sorts nowadays
  13. I hit bottom
  14. I am down to dumps
  15. I am fed up
  16. I cannot express my agony
  17. I am in pathetic condition
  18. I feel down in the mouth
  19. I feel myself in hot water
  20. I am in cheerless state.
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