Written by 5:47 pm Motivational Stories

Great People Have Great Qualities (16.A Motivational Story)

Here is a motivational story for those who aspire greatness in life.

motivational story or inspiring story

Once there was a king , he was famous for his wisdom. Everyday many scholars wont to visit his court to point out their talent and therefore the king would give them gifts.
One day a mentor came to his court . He said,” O king, I even have heard tons about your court , your court is filled with scholars , but i would like to check their talent, please give me permission for it.” The king would always be ready for such challenges. He gave his consent. The guest said, ” I even have two triangular things in my hand, one is formed of glass and other is formed of diamond. Look they appear exactly same, I expect that anyone from your scholar courtiers should tell which is that the original diamond. If they tell right, I ll give the first to the concerned scholar, if they fail , they need give me one thousand gold coins.” Everyone want the diamond, but couldn’t dare because the condition was severe, the king was confused to ascertain the 2 precisely the same apparent . nobody came forward for an extended time, they were just brooding about it.
The king felt sorry that nobody including himself came to visit to unravel the crisis. Only guess wasn’t affordable to inform the important diamond. At last , a blind courtier who was famous for his wisdom came forward, he took the 2 things, took them within the sunlight. After a while he returned and said that the one in his left is that the original diamond. The guest was very happy and gave the diamond to the blind person and went away. Everyone was surprised , the king asked him curiously about it. The blind person replied, ” O king, it’s extremely easy, I took the 2 things in the daylight , the one which was made from glass quickly became hot but the first diamond remained cool.”
He added that great people or successful people are like diamond , they always keep their patience in bad or challenging conditions, conditions get changed but they never change their determination or ambition.

Moral: Successful or great people don’t change their nature or demeanor in their adverse condition, they always keep calm in difficult condition as diamond remains cool in sunlight.

Once there was a king , he was famous for his wisdom. Everyday hundreds of scholars used to visit his court to show their talent and the king would give them gifts. 
        One day a wise man came to his court . He said,” O king, I have heard a lot about your court , your court is full of scholars , but I want to test their talent, please give me permission for it.” The king would always be ready for such challenges. He gave his consent. The guest said, ” I have two triangular things in my hand, one is made of glass and other is made of diamond. Look they look exactly same, I expect that anyone from your scholar courtiers should tell which is the original diamond. If they tell right, I ll give the original to the concerned scholar, if they fail , they have give me one thousand gold coins.” Everyone want the diamond, but couldn’t dare as the condition was severe, the king was confused to see the two exactly the same apparent . No one came forward for a long time, they were just thinking about it. 
       The king felt sorry that no one including himself came over to solve the crisis. Only guess was not affordable to tell the real diamond. At last , a blind courtier who was famous for his wisdom came forward, he took the two things, took them in the sunlight. After some time he returned and said that the one in his left hand is the original diamond. The guest was very pleased and gave the diamond to the blind man and went away. Everyone was surprised , the king asked him curiously about it. The blind man replied, ” O king, it’s very easy, I took the two things in  the sunlight, the one which was made of glass quickly became hot but the original diamond remained cool.” 
He added that great people or successful people are like diamond , they always keep their patience in bad or challenging conditions, conditions get changed but they never change their determination or ambition.

Moral: Successful or great people don’t change their nature or demeanor  in their adverse condition, they always keep calm in difficult condition  as diamond remains cool in sunlight.

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