Written by 8:29 pm Vocabulary

These Words Confuse Everyone

There are many words similar in appearnce but different meaning and different spellings, Here are some words that may confuse you everytime

Abject                –        Sad
Object                –        Aim
Accept                –        To agree
Except                 –        With the exception of
Accident            –        Mishap
Incident             –        Event
Adapt                  –        Adjust
Adept                  –        Expert
Adopt                  –        To accept

Effect                   –        To produce an effect
Affect                   –        Result
Amiable              –        Lovable
Amicable            –        Friendly
Bale                     –        Bundle
Bail                      –        Security

Bare                     –        Naked
Bear                     –        Tolerate
Beneficent        –        Kind
Beneficial          –        Useful
Berth                  –        A sleeping accommodation in a train
Birth                   –        Coming to life
Brake                  –        System to stop vehicles
Break                  –        Cut 

Cannon               –        A big gun
Canon                 –        Rule
Canvass              –        To seek votes
Canvas                –        Coare cloth

Career                 –        Course of life
Carrier                –        One that carries
Calender            –        A roller machine to press
Calendar            –        A table showing months and dates
Cast                     –        To throw
Caste                   –        A sub division of religion
Cost                     –        Price

Check                  –        Control
Cheque               –        An order on a bank for payment 

Childish              –        Silly
Childlike             –        Innocent

Cite                      –        To quote
Sight                   –        View
Site                      –        Situation
Complement     –    That which completes
Compliment      –    Wishes
Dairy                   –        The place where milk is kept
Diary                   –        The book for daily record
Dear                    –        Beloved
Deer                    –        Animal

Disease               –        Aliment
Decease              –        To die
Desert                 –        A place full of sand
Dessert                –        Fruit course served at the end of a dinner
Farther                –        Far from
Further                –        Ahead
Foul                       –        Having a bad smell
Fowl                      –        A bird
Gate                      –        An entrance
Gait                        –       Style of walking
Heal                       –        To cure
Heel                       –        Hind part of the foot
Hair                       –        An outgrowth on the head or body
Hare                      –        Rabbit
Heir                        –        Successor
Later                      –        Comparative degree of ‘late’
Letter                    –        A written message
Loose                   –        Not tight
Lose                     –        To miss
Medal                 –        A token of merit
Meddle               –        To interfere
Moral                  –        Relating to morality
Morale                –        General conduct
Naughty             –        Mischievous
Knotty                 –        Difficult
Patrol                  –        To be on duty   
Petrol                  –        Fuel                    
Popular               –        Liked by people
Populous            –        Thickly populated 
Prescribe            –        To suggest
Proscribe            –        Prohibit
President            –        Chairman
Precedent           –         A previous parallel case
Principal             –        A head of an institution
Principle             –        A rule of conduct
Prophet               –        One who proclaims the will of god
Profit                   –        Gain
Quite                   –        Completely
Quiet                   –        Silent
Sole                     –        Only
Soul                     –        Spirit 
Stationary           –        Fixed
Stationery           –        Writing material
Storey                 –        Any one floor of a house
Story                   –        A tale
Team                   –        Group
Teem                   –        Full of
Waste                  –        Spend uselessly
Waist                   –        Joint
Wet                      –        Soaked in water
Whet                    –        To Sharpen
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