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Around the world in 80 days important questions and answers

Here are some important questions along with the answers of this novel

around the world in 80 days important questions and answers
Q Write character sketch of Philieas Fogg
Ans : Philieas Fogg is  the major character of this novel, he is the central figure of this novel. Throughout the novel, he is as cool as a cucumber. Apart from cool nature, he seems to be brave and ambitious as he accepted the challenge of moving around the World in 80 days which is quite impossible but he managed it properly . It shows his presence of mind his talent, his planning ,his  energetic attitude and many more qualities
He seems to be unselfish, honest and he has no interest in materialsitic things
He is kind hearted as we observe when he gave some money to Passerpartout and others . He is very prompt about time ,his plans are very perfect, he has very positive attitude and tackles every situation with confidence .He was in jail but manages the condition very properly, he knows to remain calm in adverse condition ,he is very kind to his subordinate
Q Describe the character of Aouda from Foggs point of View
Ans: Aouda is really a very helpful for me, actually I never thought that she would be my wife but her qualities impressed me.I saved her from her persecutors as a part of humanity, but she became a part of my life. she is a very kind and gentle lady, she supported me in my journey . as time  passed I realised that she has a kind heart. When I met her, I was rich , the time came when I had lost everything but in that condition she supported me, took care of me. she was not money minded she is really an adorable, kind and generous lady
Q Elaborate the following quotes in the light of the extract of the novel
Quitters never win and winners never quit
Ans: This statement is perfectly suitable for Philips as in many cases in the novel, he plainly showed that he never quitted but every time he tried his best ,his greatest quality was to run with the time without thinking of the failure, actually moving around the World in 80 days was impossible but even though he tried and lastly succeeded with priority ,this clearly shows that he never believes in quitting but instead he considers  himself as winner and tried to win the wager. when he was arrested in Liverpool, he should have lost but he arranged the special train and try to win the competition, up to last he didn’t give up  , he is best example of the above quotation 
Elaborate the role of time from the novel point of
View and quotes that time is the only solution to problem
Ans: It is very true ,time is the greatest master which is the most important thing of this novel. Throughout the novel, time has played a great role from the beginning when the wager is arranged against time , His adventures are moving according to the time ,in many cases he has to run with time, many times the time gets changed for him changing  the situation as happened in Liverpool. While moving towards the East,  he grabbed quality time which has become responsible to win the wager. There was time , he  faced certain problems but later on time gets change which brings happiness for him 
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