Written by 10:30 pm Competitive Exam English

Confusing Singular and plurals

Many people get confused between singular and plural because of certain irregular rules, lets study such cases


  1. agendum
  2. fungus
  3. focus
  4. radius
  5. terminus
  6. formula
  7. basis
  8. crisis
  9. axis
  10. medium
  11. genius
  12. memorandum
  13. analysis
  14. criterion
  15. index
  16. man servant
  17. father in law
  18. mouse
  19. tooth
  20. knife
  21. fish
  22. half
  23. proof
  24. turf
  25. grief


  1. agenda
  2. fungi
  3. foci
  4. raddi
  5. terminal
  6. formulae
  7. bases
  8. cirses
  9. axes
  10. media
  11. genera
  12. memoranda
  13. analyses
  14. criteria
  15. insixwa
  16. men servants
  17. fathers in law
  18. mice
  19. teeth
  20. knives
  21. fish
  22. halves
  23. proofs
  24. turfs
  25. griefs
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