Written by 2:20 pm Grammar For All

Correct Use Of Adjectives

Here is the list of correct use of adjectives

Use the correct adjectives in the following sentences.

  1. My brother is …………………(older / elder) than me.
  2. He is ………………(a / the) best friend.
  3. He is the …………….(oldest / eldest) boy in our class.
  4. He is ………………(older / elder) than his uncle.
  5. Rahul came ………………..(later / latter) than me.
  6. He is cleverer than ………………..(I / me).
  7. My watch is superior ……………………you. (than / to)
  8. Her sister is wiser than ………………(she / her)
  9. Health is ……………….(Preferable / more preferable) to wealth.
  10. I am …………….(older / elder) than you.

Answer Key :
Sr.No.             Answer
01                      Older
02                     The
03                     Oldest
04                     Older
05                     Later
06                     Me
07                     To
08                     Her
09                     Preferable
10                      Older

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