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English Grammar | Prepositions

preposition is one of the most important topics in English, here is detailed study of this topic

detailed study of prepositions

The word that appears before noun or pronoun and tells relation between them is called as preposition.

List of Prepositions:
in. into, for, at, with, to, towards, beneath, below, down, up, on, above, over, along, by, near, etc.

Graphic Representation of Prepositions8
Graphic Representation of Prepositions7
Graphic Representation of Prepositions6
Graphic Representation of Prepositions5
* I am in the house.
* I came into the house.
Graphic Representation of Prepositions4
Never Say
* What’s the time in your watch? (X)
* What’s the time by your watch? (√)
Graphic Representation of Prepositions3
* I am going to that circle
* I am running towards the circle
* I am going through the circle
* I came from that circle
Graphic Representation of Prepositions2
I am running along the road.
I am running across the road.
Graphic Representation of Prepositions1
1] I am on the wall
2] I am behind the wall
3] I am by the wall
1] I am on the box.
2] The fan is above the box.
3] The birds are flying over the box.
4] The tube-light is beneath the box
5] It is below the box
6] We are under the box.

Example For Practice

Q.1     Use correct preposition.
            1]        Write …..ink
            2]        I travel ______ Pune regularly 
            3]        The cow is ______ the field.
            4]        Rain appears ______ the clouds.
            5]        Nanded is ______  the bank of Godavari.
            6]        I am fond______ tea.
            7]        He jumped ______ the chair.
            8]        He climbed ______ the ladder.
            9]        Keep this matter ______ the house
            10]      I insist______ politeness.
            11]      It is in accordance______ it.
            12]      He ruled______ a vast empire.
            13]      Don’t bargain ______ the poor.
            14]      I have not slept______ yesterday.
            15]      He worked ______ night.
            16]      He goes ______  to church on Sunday
            17]      Send this letter______ post.
            18]      I was stunned ______ a blow.
            19]      Adapt ______ life to enjoy better life
            20]      I am angry ______ them.
            21]      He excels ______ maths.
            22]      The dog ran ______ the road
            23]      He spoke to me ______ Urdu.
            24]      They live______ the same roof.
            25]      I’m tired ______ walking.
            26]      I recovered ______ illness.
            27]      Fight ______ courage.
           28]      Just win ______ ease.
            29]      I will do it ______ pleasure.
            30]      God is good______ me.
            31]      I’m sorry______ what I did.
            32]      Cloth is sold ______ metre
            33]      It is one ______ the tower clock
            34]      Keep me ______ sin.
            35]      I bought it______ fifteen rupees.
            36]      I am shivering ______ fever.
            37]      I am working ______arithmetic.
            38]      He is a man ______ means.
            39]      The boy______ brown hair is here.
            40]      Please send______ Rama.
            41]      Don’t laugh ______ me.
            42]      It is beneficial ______ us.
            43]      It is irrelevant ______ our subject.
            44]      It is akin ______ an alien.
            45]      It is ten o clock ______ my watch.
            46]      Do not cry______ spilt milk.
            47]      There is nothing new______ the sun.
            48]      They drove ______ Pune.
            49]      I boasted ______ my achievement.
           50]      It was written ______ him.
            51]      He killed a bird______ on shot.
            52]      He was stabbed______ a dagger.
            53]      I shall return______ an hour.
            54]      Don’t quarrel______ yourselves.
            55]      You are ______ death’s door.
            56]      I take pride ….my success
            57]      He died ______ fever.
            58]      He did it______ our good.
            59]      They marched______ the town.
            60]      I met him ______ the party.
            61]      He lives ______ church street.
            62]      He lives______ 45 church street.
            63]      Come______ three o’clock.
            64]      Wait______ tomorrow.
            65]      Sell goods______ auction.
            66]      Cut it ______ a knife.
            67]      He died ______ fatigueness.
            68]      I took medicine ______ cold.
            69]      There was no money ______ him.
            70]      He charges interest ______9 %.
            71]      I stayed ______ Mumbai.
            72]      Our plane stopped ______ Mumbai.
            73]      He sleeps______ 9 A.M.
            74]      I walked ______ the end of the street.
            75]      ______ the road he lay.
            76]      ______ 2 cars, he has a truck.
            77]      He is addicted ______ wine.
            78]      He is a man______ principles.
            79]      He was endowed ______ gifts
           80)     He entered ….the room 

  1. in
  2. to
  3. in
  4. from
  5. on
  6. of
  7. upon
  8. up
  9. within
  10. on
  11. with
  12. over
  13. with
  14. since
  15. at or throughout
  16. with
  17. to
  18. with
  19. in
  20. with
  21. in
  22. along
  23. in
  24. under
  25. of
  26. from
  27. with
  28. with
  29. with
  30. to
  31. for
  32. by
  33. in or by
  34. from
  35. for
  36. with
  37. on
  38. of
  39. with
  40. for
  41. at
  42. to or for
  43. to
  44. to
  45. by
  46. over
  47. under
  48. for
  49. of
  50. by
  51. with
  52. with
  53. in
  54. among
  55. at
  56. in
  57. of
  58. for
  59. towards
  60. at
  61. in
  62. at
  63. by or at or before or after or around
  64. for
  65. at
  66. with
  67. of
  68. for
  69. with
  70. at
  71. in
  72. at
  73. at ,before,around
  74. at
  75. by
  76. besides
  77. to
  78. of
  79. with
  80. no preposition
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