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English | Synthesis

There are three types of sentences according to synthesis, simple , compound and complex

There are three types of sentences according to synthesis

1 Simple
2 Compound 
3 Complex

Simple sentence: The sentence having subject and predicate is called as simple sentence
for example:
I love to help others
I : subject
Predicate: love to help others

Compound sentence: 
The sentence that is joined with co coordinators is called compound.

List of  coordinators
and, but , or , not only but also, either…or, neither..nor, yet, hence , therefore , still , so, for , hence, as well as etc.

complex sentence
The sentence that is joined by subordinators is called complex sentence

List of subordinators:
all wh words like what where when how which, if , unless, though, although, as,,,,,,as, so,,,,,as, than, so,,,,that, such,,,that, because, as , since, that, sothat, till until, before , after , as soon as, no sooner,,,,than, hardly….when, as if 

Make it Complex
A ) Simple to Complex
1. In spite of laziness, he will pass.
2. I am too kind to get angry with you.
3. He suffered due to his laziness.
4. Having told a lie, he suffered.
5. After listening father’s vehicle sound, he switched off.
6. I know him as an honest man
7. I saw some students playing with friends
8. By working hard , you will become successful
9. Due to laziness, he is earning less
10. After watching the movie, I relieved myself

Compound to Complex

1. Don’t drink a lot or you will suffer 
2. They are my friends still they don’t help me.
3. I can’t help you so I am sad.
4. The train is late and I know about it.
5. They are crying for they got less marks.
6. He is hardworking but he is not respected.
7. He is successful and I know about it.
8. He is working hard for he wants to score comfortable score.
9. He is busy still he plucks time for us.
10. They will become doctors and I am certain

Make it Compound

A ) Simple to Compound

1. Having cleared the target of IIT, he is doing cobra dance.
2. By eating junk food, you will spoil your health.
3. Being kind, he will help us.
4. In spite of having 3 bikes, he is not satisfied.
5. Seeing the urchins, she picked up a chappal.

B) Complex to Compound

1. He is happy because he achieved the target.
2. Though he is fair, he goes to parlor regularly.
3. the thieves ran away as the police came.
4. When he saw numerical, he was unconscious.
5. I know where he lives.

Make It Simple

A) Compound to Simple

1. He is lazy so he will suffer.
2. He secured 99.99% so he is dancing.
3. He is active, yet he will not cross the boundary.
4. Don’t drive fast or you will go to ICU.
5. You have to study Board exam as well as IIT exams.
6. I can achieve my  score and I am sure about it.
7. The train is late and it is certain.
8. You will surely pass and I think so.
9. He is not only lazy but also cunning.
10. I am optimistic for I have good company 

Complex to Simple

1. If you do laziness, you will spoil your life.
2. I saw some birds which were flying above the trees.
3. It is the place where we meet.
4. I know why the train is late.
5. They are so miser that they don’t spend money.
6. I know that you will pass the exam.
7. I believe that he is honest.
8. I know when the train comes.
9. Though he is honest, he is blamed.
10. I know where he lives

Q. State whether simple / compound / complex.
1. Being lazy, he will suffer.
2. Because of laziness, he failed.
3. He failed because he was lazy.
4. I know what he asks.
5. He is as lazy as you are.
6. I knew that he is lenient.
7. I know that option.
8. Where he goes is unknown.
9. Ram and Shyam are here.
10. I like it and i will get it.
11. Ram and Shyam is called.
12. Work hard or you will fail.
13. Because of his lenience, he failed.
14. I am so happy that i can’t express.
15. She is tired so she can’t work.
16. We were late yesterday.
17. I like comedy movies.
18. No sooner did he come than i was happy.
19. He is greedy, yet we believe in him.
20. It is the option that i respect.

Q. Do as directed.
1.  I know why he is late.
     (Make it simple)
a. He is late and I know
b. I know the reasons of his late.
c. Why he is late is unknown.
d. I know that he is late.

2. We helped him because he was poor.

(Make it compound)
a. We helped him so he was poor.
b. Being poor, we helped him.
c. He was poor so we helped him.
d. He was poor that we helped him.

3. I am so happy that i can’t express. (Make it simple)
a. I am too happy to express.
b. I can’t express my happiness.
c. I can’t express how happy I am.
d. I am very happy so i can’t express.

4. It is the place where we meet. (Make it simple)
a. We meet and it is the place.
b. We meet here.
c. We meet but it is the place
d. We meet here everyday.

5. Though he is miser, he will help. (Make it compound)
a. He is miser though he will help.
b. He is miser but he will help.
c.He is miser so he will help.
d. He is miser so he will help.

6. We were happy we won the match. (Make it simple)
a. We won the match so we were happy
b. We were happy for winning the match.
c. He won the match and we were happy.
d. Winning the match, we were happy.

7. I ran fast so I get the train. (Make it complex)
a. I ran fast because i got the train.
b. I got the train so i ran fast
c. I got the train because I ran fast.
d. Running fast I got the train.

8. I like Drishyam as it is full of suspense. (Make it compound)
a. I like Drishyam but it is full of suspense.
b. I like Drishyam due to full suspense.
c. I like Drishyam for it is full of suspense.
d. I like Drishyam’s suspense.

9. I don’t know why he is crying. (Make it compound)
a. He is crying for some reasons but i don’t know.
b. I don’t know the reason of his cry.
c. He is crying and I know.
d. I don’t know about it

10. If you work hard, you will pass. ((Make it simple)
a. By working hard, you will pass.
b. Work hard and you will pass.
c. Work hard but you will pass
d. Though you work hard you will pass
1. b
2. c
3. a
4. b
5. b
6. b
7. c
8. c
9. a

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