Written by 11:05 pm Competitive Exam English

How To Score Marks In English in Competitive Exam

In many cases it is observed that in India , mostly in all competitive exam, English is compulsory, many students get less marks in English, here are some tips to get more marks in competitive exam, very helpful for all the students who appear for competitive exams.

Dear ones, nowadays in most of the competitive exams, may be regional or national, English is an integral syllabus subject . Many students suffer low score in English, there might be many reasons for that, but here we are going to discuss how to overcome this problem and how to score good marks in English in competitive exam. Surely the following hints will be helpful to you.

Golden Rules:

Rule 1:
Study Tense topic properly, tense is the king of all topics in English.
Rule 2: Enrich your vocabulary by learning more words related to antonyms, synonyms, homophones and one word substitution.
Rule 3: Learn the rules of conversion in topics like Indirect speech, voice, degree etc.
Rule 4: Read more and more, may be English newspaper, fiction, novel or newspaper , it helps to improve vocabulary and sentence formation.
Rule 5: Learn basic grammar properly, including parts of speech, their types etc.
Rule 6: It is observed that more and more questions are on prepositions, articles, modals and tense, study these topics carefully.
Rule 7: Read proverbs, collocations, phrases , idioms regularly.
Rule 8: In case of comprehension , only practice is the best solution, solve more and more passages carefully.
Rule 9: Solve more and more practice papers, this is the best practice to attain confidence.
Rule 10: Lastly , don’t depend on one publication, practice exercises, paper sets from various publications.

Hope you will follow all the rules or clues.



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