A bull in the china shop | An unskilled person |
A cock and bull story | False story |
A scapegoat | To make someone take the blame of others |
A sitting duck | An easy prey |
A snake in the grass | Hidden enemy |
A stalking horse | Someone’s hidden intentions |
A wolf in sheep’s clothing | A person that appears harmless but is actually dangerous |
Back the wrong horse | Endorse the weak & wrong person |
Bell the cat | Take step on own risk |
Black ox | Misfortune |
Black sheep | Disgraceful person |
Cat among the pigeons | Reason of fear |
Cat and dog life | Life full of strife |
Cock a snook | Show impudent contempt |
Cry wolf | Give a false alarm |
Dark horse | Unexpected winner |
Dog days | Miserable life |
Dog eat dog | Viciously competitive |
Dog in the manager | Selfish person |
Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth | Don’t be ungrateful when you receive a gift |
Donkey’s year | After long time |
Every dog has its day | Good day comes sooner or after |
Feather in one’s cap | Additional success |
Feather in one’s nest | To enrich oneself by taking advantage of one’s position |
Flogging a dead horse | To waste one’s energy |
Fly in the face of | To be resist |
From the horse’s mouth | From a reliable source, one the best authority |
Gone to the dogs | Completely destroyed |
Have other fish to fry | To have more important things to do ro attend to |
Keept the wolf away from the door | Maintain oneself at a minimal level |
Lap dog | Feather others for profit |
Let sleeping dogs lie | Do not instigate trouble |
Let the cat out of the bag | Revel mystery / demystry |
Like a cat on hot bricks | Restless, unable to remain still due to nervousness |
Lion’s share | Large part of share |
Put all eggs in one basket | Put in danger |
Put the cart before the horse | To do things in wrong order |
Raining cats and dogs | Raining heavily |
Rat race | Intense competition for success |
Rule the roost | To be the boss |
Sacred cow | Honorable |
Small fry | Insignificant person |
Smell a rat | Institution something wrong |
Take the bull by horns | To face danger courageously |
Take under wings | Provide shelter |
Until the cows come home | For a very long time |
Wangle over an ass shadow | To argue over trivial matters |
Be in the limelight | To be the centre of attention |
Between the devil and the deep blue sea | Facing two eauality unpleasant, dangerous situation |
Bite your lip | Hesitate to express negative expression |
Black and white | In writing |
Black and thunder | Extreme anger |
Black hand | Society in offensive circumstance |
Black hearted | Cruel |
Black look | Full of gate and anger |
Black sheep | Reason of shame for family |
Blacklisted | Restricted |
Blue blood | Royal, descent |
Blue collar workers | Unskilled worker |
Blue murder | Critical situation |
Blue of the blue | Higher prize in competition |
Blue stocking | Lady who takes interest in literacry work |
Blue eyed boy | Favorite person |
Bolt from the blue | Unexpected and sudden misfortune |
Brown study | State of day dreaming |
Catch red handed | Arrest person doing offence |
Dark future | Future in danger |
Feeling blue | Feel sad |
Frey area | Anbiguity |
Green fingers | One who like gardening |
Green horn | inexperience / gullible |
Green thumb | Extra ordinary virtue of gardening |
Green with envy | Very envious |
Green eyed blue | Jealous / very envious |
Grey market | illegal commerce |
Grey matter | Wisdom |
Have green eyes | Be jealous |
In the black | in a financially profitable condition |
In the pink | To be happy and healthy |
In the red | In the debt |
Lily white | Innocent |
Once in a blue moon | Occassionally |
Out of the blue | Unexpected |
Paint the town red | Extreme enjoyment |
Purple heart | Bravery |
Red bait | To criticise |
Red carpet | Royal welcome |
Red herring | Divert from the main issue |
Red letter day | A glorious day |
Red rag to a bull | To provoke for a violent reaction |
Red tape | Bureaucratic rule / Too much of official formalities |
Sail under false colors | False identification |
See red | Be angry |
Show the white feather | To show cowardice |
Talk a blue streak | Continuously fask talk |
The grass is greener on the other side | Things always seem better in another place |
To be green | Undeveloped |
To beat black and blue | Beating mercilessly |
To get green light | Get permission |
To look through rose | From hopeful opinion |
True blue | Loyal person |
White collar workers | skilled labor |
White elephant | Expensive but of no use |
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