Written by 1:13 pm Only CBSE

Letter Writing Exercise with Format and Demo Letter

Here are some letter writing exercise for you

Q  Read the following formal letter content and write a letter

Q. Write a letter to the district collector requesting him to arrange tree plantation drive or campaign in your city, state its need and suggest some innovative ideas

10, Sanman Marg
Kranti Road
May 4, 2021

The District Collector
Pune District

Sub: About tree plantation drive

Respected sir,
                           I am one of the nature lovers of our city, I reside  at Kranti Road. Sir , I am really very sorry to see the condition of tree plantation of our city. I am writing this letter to draw your attention toward the pathetic condition of tree plantation of our city.
       Sir , earlier Pune was known for its greenery, we have to search the house among the trees, now we have to search trees in cement jungle. Our heart cries to see this condition. Pune was known for its cool climate, pleasant greenery, and gorgeous atmosphere. Now its time to ponder over it, because of heavy cutting of trees, we are facing severe environment related problems like pollution, lungs related diseases , suffocation etc. Sir , its time to come forward with solution. I kindly request you to arrange tree plantation drive or campaign in our city, I am sure the city people will respond to your appeal. Do give responsibility to the concerned department, schools, colleges etc. Surely everyone will contribute to it. I am sure you will take my suggestions positively and take necessary action.

Expecting positive response from you.
Thank you 

Yours faithfully,

Examples for practice;

 Q 1  Write a letter to the Police inspector of your city drawing his attention to the constant thefts going on in your area, suggest some solutions to prevent these thefts.
Q 2  Write a letter to the principal of your school requesting him or her to arrange Science Fair in your school, state the reasons for it.
Q 3  Write a letter to the Mayor of your city complaining about regular traffic jams on roads because of narrow roads and bad condition of road, suggest some solutions for it.
Q 4  You are Mitali/ Tanvi, write a letter to the Railway station master of your city complaining about the bad condition station premises and suggest some solutions for it.
Q 5  You are Amar/ Rounak , write a letter to the ST Depot manager of your city drawing his attention to the bad condition of ST buses of your city.
Q. 6 You are Rashi/ Shewta , write a letter of leave application to your class teacher.

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