Written by 1:26 am Motivational Stories

Motivational Story – Compliments make a man ( 4. A Motivational Story)

Sometimes your compliments help to concrete your relations, that’s why always give compliments , people remember you, respect you because of your compliments, your simple compliments like good morning, good night, well done make someone’s day


Once in a certain factory, there were many workers. Among them was Jhon. He was known as the most sincere and hardworking employee of the factory. He used to talk nicely with everyone, respect everyone and had good relation with the company management. 

The factory used to open at 10 am and get finished at 6 pm. The watchman at the gate used to keep watch at the gate and when the workers went away, he would close the factory by locking the gate. 

It was Monday, Jhon was busy in doing his task, at 6 pm all the workers finished their work and went to home but  he was so busy in his work that he didnt notice time. It was 8 pm, still he was busy in his work. After some time , the watchman came into his cabin and asked why he was late. Jhon was shocked and said, ” How do you come to know that I m still working as my cabin is far away from the gate?” 

The watchman said politely,”You are the only employee to compliment me good morning while coming, and good night while departing, today I missed good night from you, I guessed that you may be still working.”


Your compliments always help you to strengthen your relations with others, don’t hesitate to compliment others as compliments cost nothing.

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