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Std.10 CBSE English Objective Paper II

CBSE board has prescribed objectives questions for std 10 th English , lets have a look for better perfection.

Q.1 Fill in the blanks with proper words.

  1. Lomove is ……….………….……..…….years old.
  2. Lomove was in……………………………………. dress.
  3. The dog named Gness belongs to ……………………..………………..
  4. Lomov was suffering from …………………………………………….
  5. The first argument was for ………………………………..…………..
  6. Lord Buddha told the lady to bring ……………………………………from other.
  7. Kisa Gantmi realized that ……………….…………… is the ultimate truth of life.
  8. Valli was ………………………………years old.
  9. The bus was at ……………………………o’clock.
  10. The town was ………………..………….miles away.
  11. Vali saved ………………….…………paise for the journey.
  12. Indian legend tells that ………………………………………discovered tea.
  13. Tea garden in …………………………..…………………in India are famous throughout the world.
  14. The dress of baker was known as …………………………………………….
  15. ………………………………………were essential during Christmas.
  16. Coorg is also known as …………………………………….
  17. The river Caveri begins from the hill of ……………………………………(Coorg)
  18. ………………………..was the teacher of Wanda.
  1. Wanda used to live in ……………………………………
  2. …………………………………..among the boy was winner in drawing competition.
  3. The second essay was named ………………….given to
  4. The writer way flying the aeroplane named as ………………………………
  5. The swearing ceremony of Nelsom Mandela was arranged in ……………………………………..  (Name of the building)
  6. According to Nelson Mandela, man should balance his duty towards his family, community and ………………………………..
  7. According to Lencho, the Post Office employees were ………………………….

Answer Key

  1. 35
  2. Evening
  3. Lomov
  4. Palpitation
  5. Oxen Meadows
  6. Mustard
  7. Death
  8. 8
  9. 1 (One)
  10. 6 (Six)
  11. Sixty
  12. Bodhidharma
  13. Assam
  14. Kabai
  15. Bolinas
  16. Kodagh
  17. Coorg
  18. Miss Mason
  19. Boggin Heights
  20. Jack Beggals
  21. Quack
  22. Dakota
  23. Union Building
  24. Country
  25. Crooks
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