Written by 10:30 pm Std.12 English • 2 Comments

Std.12 | English | Speech Writing

This question appears for four marks for std 12

speech writing format and examples

Points To Remember
1]      Take care of language, tense, content- and basic punctuation rules.
2]      It should be around 120-150 words, around 15-20 lines.
3]      Take care of proper introduction.
4]      Point add extra information.
5]      Make use of rhetorical questions.
6]      Lastly thank the organizers.

Pleasant good morning to everyone present here. Today I want to shed light on a very important topic entitled.

          Introduction of the topic
(5-6 lines)
Details of the topic
(10-lines )
I thank you for giving me
Opportunity for shoring my
          Thanks Jai Hind
          Have a great day.
Q.      Write a speech on my idea of India as a developed country.
                                     My Idea of India As A developed Country
Pleasant good morning to everyone present here. Today I want to share my ideas on a very energetic topic -my idea of India as a developed country.
          Friends, India is really a gorgeous and wonderful country , just we have to change our policies and the format of systems. An ideal country is observed through a good infrastructure ,well-built roads which  help to develop a certain country. If roads are good, transportation   will be easy and pollution free. That’s why I expect great highways to every nook and corner of India. Good condition of roads saves nation’s fuel and develops good connectivity encouraging trade and commerce.
          Secondly every village should be provided with basic essential needs like water, electricity, roads, healthy facilities etc.
               If villages are prosperous, our country will be prosperous.
          Thirds, education should be given top priority .There should be great budget for the implementation of educational policies. If People are educated, there will be more prosperity as education changes the frame of peoples’ mind, Information technology should be innovated for developing our country. I thank you for giving me opportunity to speak share my thoughts.
Jai Hind have a great day.
Q.  Prepare a speech on ‘Organ Donation’
                                                                 Organ Donation
            Good morning to everyone present here. Today I am going to speak on a very important topic ‘Organ Donation’ on the auspicious occasion of Republic Day celebration.
          Organ donation is supposed to be the greatest divine donation, the supreme donation If we donate organs we live after our death. Organs like liver, heart, lungs ,eyes, kidneys ,heart can be donated. In India everyday many people die of organ failure. If they get the concerned organs, they get new life.
      There are many donations but this organs donation is without parallel , just have to fill a form when we are active or alive and the remaining formalities will be performed by the concerned authorities. Dear friends, I request you to go to Govt. Hospital today and fill the consent form. Believe me ,you will feel eternal happiness.
       I hope you will respect my request . I thank you the organizing community for giving me opportunity to share my thoughts.
          Jai Hind Have a Great Day.


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