Written by 5:48 pm Std.12 English

Std.12 | Writing Skill | All In One Click

A) 1. Message

Std.12 | English | Drafting Virtual Message

Drafting Virtual Message
1. You will be given telephonic conversation or audio chat between two speakers.
2. It is written for a third person.
3. Do mention date, time, name of the receiver, body of the message and lastly name of the sender.
4. Do write important details of the conversation, don’t add unnecessary information.
5. Take care of tenses, punctuation rules, spellings etc.
6. Language must be simple lucid and in indirect speech form.
7. Word limit 50 to 60 words, 10 to 16 lines.

Q. Using information from the dialouge given below , write the  message which Prapti left for Sanskruti . do not leave out any  important information or add any new information.
Riya          : Is it 9569258321?

Prapti       : Yes, is it.
Riya          : May I talk to Sanskruti?
Prapti       : I am her friend, her roommate. She has gone to library just now. Any message?
Riya          : Please inform her that today there is my felicitation programme at Kusum auditorium as I scored 650 marks in NEET. I want her to be present for this programme.
Prapti       :  It is at 6 p.m. on June.
Prapti       :  Don’t worry. I will inform, congratulation.

Answer :
                                                                                                   May 31, 2022 ,10   am
                     There was a telephonic call from your friend, Riya. She informed you that you should attend her felicitation programme arranged on June 12 at  6 p.m. at Kusum Auditorium, as she scored 650 marks in NEET. When she called, you had gone to library. You can call her when you are free

Q. Imagine you are not well and will not be able to attend lectures at college. Draft a message about 100 to 150 words to convey the same to your teacher and your own reasons to support your message.

                                                                                March 04, 2022 10 a.m.
Respected Sir,
                              I am Diya, student of 12th Batch, Division A. I am writing this message to convey that I can’t attend today’s class as I am not well. I have mild fever and mild cough. Our family doctor has advised to take rest for 2 days. That’s why sir, I am unable to attend your class. I hope you will grant my request. I will compensate the loss of studies as I am recovered from this.
                 Thanks regards.

2. Statement of Purpose

12 English statement of purpose

Points to remember:
1. It allots a  personalized application seeking admission to a certain university or a particular course.
2. The SOP should be around 500 to 550 words or 18 to 20 lines of your answer sheet lines.
3. In First Paragraph, mention your personal background, aims and goals.
4. In Second paragraph, mention the reason of choosing the university.
5. In third paragraph, mention your personal qualities, your hobbies.
6. In fourth paragraph, mention how the  concerned institute will be helpful for your goal.

Examples for Practice:
Your have developed skills in English language. You think to improvise your skills. Now you a wish to seek a degree in mass communication at a specific university. Prepare a statement of Purpose.

Statement of Purpose
Since my school age, I have passion to learn different languages specially English. English has been my favorite language. I can speak 5 to 6 languages but my most prominent language is English.
I participated in many elocution as well as debate competition where I won many first prizes. English has developed my confidence. It has become my passion to communicate in English wherever I get an opportunity or wherever it is needed. I believe, English offers me an opportunity  to learn many skills as all the worlds greatest knowledge concerned contents are in English. That’s why I have decided to opt mass communication for my career. From advertising to Journalism, we have many fields, where I can make a good career. The scope of mass communication in India is wide. Your reputed university will fulfil my dream to make career in mass communication.
I believe this language enriches our personality. It is a universal language. I m sure your university will bloom my skills in mass communication respecting my interest in English language.

Statement of Purpose
You want to join to a certain university to do MBA. You want to continue your family business after doing MBA. The concerned university offers an excellent course which would boost your intention. Make a statement of purpose which will help you to get admission to this university.

Statement of Purpose
From an early age, I have been fascinated by business skills. In my school tenure, I had great interest in math and communication skills which are the basic subjects for any business venture.
Along with studies, I used to arrange books stall to earn some money because I believe in earn and learn policy.
I want to do career which respect my basic skills  and of course I have great interest in business ventures. In 12 , I arranged a software exhibition for the students inviting brand companies to exhibit their new 
software which invited a great applause. 

I visited many business related exhibitions arranged by companies and firms. After 10th grade, I joined commerce faculty to pursue my ambition because commerce branch is a gateway for business studies. I scored distinction in 12th commerce and pursued my B.Com education.

I passed graduation with first class. I am confident after MBA, I will bloom my family business. My family business belongs to real state which is nowadays a very reputed one. You offer a quality education to MBA graduates to enrich their talent and skill. I will dedicate myself to learn all the business skills. I have heard about your learned faculties who imbibe the innovative technologies of business and management skills.

3. Group discussion

group discussion 12 th English

Rules :
1. Here you will be given a topic.
2. The participants are expected to give their opinions or views on the concerned topic.
3. 3 to 4 participants are expected.
4. Each participant will speak about 3 to 4 line conversation related to topic.
5. Take care of tense, punctuation rules, proper sentence structure.

Example 1: 
Imagine that you have discussed with your friends on:
Mobile addiction , Write the discussion as a part of group discussion.

I : Nowadays, many students or better say everyone is addicted to
mobile . Really , Mobile has changed our lifestyle.

Rahul : Mobile is not bad, the way we use it is really bad. Actually mobile has brought all the world at one platform , mobile is true greatest invention of science.

John : The Government should take strict action against the vulgar sites. They should be banned ,secondly there should be awareness programme arranged by school regarding the of social media.

Akbar : Yes, you are right. Social media is responsible to spoil the generation. It should be used carefully. Actually social media is responsible for distracting people 

Example 2:
Imagine that you have recently discussed with your friends on the benefits of traveling. Write a group discussion or dialogues related to it.

Ram : Recently I have come from Kerala, a really wonderful place. I think that traveling gives us plenty of benefits. Traveling makes us wise.

Rohim : Yes, you are right ,traveling is responsible for our development. We can see new places, experience our culture.

Mary : I proceed  that traveling is really helpful for our education. We meet new people, experience their costumes, etc. Traveling adds a great content to our knowledge.
Shyam : I agree with you ,traveling opens a new vista to our knowledge. I personally think one should travel a lot for the enrichment of his knowledge. Lets arrange a trip to a scenic place and enjoy traveling ad seek the benefits of traveling.

B) 1. E mail

e mail writing for 12 th std

Points to Remember:
1. Follow proper format.
2. Write date , time , sender’s address, receiver’s mail address, subject 
3. Take care of grammar, rules, Proper punctuation etc.

                                                                                                                          Date Time 
From :
                                                                First paragraph
                                                                       5 – 6 lines

                                                                Second paragraph
                                                                       7 – 8 lines
                                                                    Main Body
Thanks Regards
Yours Faithfully,

Question 1:
Imagine that you are in-charge of social organization and you want to organize a cleanliness campaign at a rural place. Draft an e-mail in a proper format to the concerned authorities asking for necessary permission. Give all the details. 
                                                                     March 04, 2022 | 10 a.m.
To : Sarpanch.Karegaon@gmail.com
From : jay1234@gmail.com
Cc : …………….

 Sub : About Cleanliness Campaign.

Respected Sir,
                   I am Jay, secretary ‘Cleanliness for Everyone’, a social organization. I am writing this email for a special purpose.
                                   We regularly arrange cleanliness campaign in rural areas. Once in a month, we go to certain village to implement cleanliness drive. We clean all the roads. lanes  and arrange social awareness programme by arranging one act play ,drama etc. This time we have decided to arrange our drive at your village. We are around 30 members. We want your consent or permission. Please, inform us about your consent, we are waiting for your reply. We will give all  details after your consent.
Expecting positive response from you
Thank you.


Yours faithfully,


2. Report

report writing format and examples

Point to remember
1]      Report Writing should be around 100 to 150 words, (15 to 20 lines.)
2]      Take care of language, tense punctuation rules
3]      Use proper formal
4]      Avoid personal opinion.
5]      You can add thoughts, quotes etc.
6]      Use simple past tense.
 If possible prefer passive voice

Q.1   Your college has arranged an awareness programme on ‘Social media’ write a short report.
                                                                                      Social Media ( A Social awareness programme)
Latur Jan 26:
                 A grand social awareness programme was arranged on ‘Social media’ by MG college Latur on the auspicious occasion of Republic Day celebration, The chief guest was Mr. Achyut Godbole, a well known motivational speaker and famous writer.

                 Every year MG College Latur arranges social awareness programme on the occasion of Republic Day celebration This year the topic was social media- a boon or a curse?. eminent   youth idol Mr-Achyut Godbole was specially invited .About 2000 students were present for the programme, about 500 parents were present to listen to  Achyut Godbole.
                 Firstly the president of the Institute Mr. Shankar Jadhav introduced the programme Mr. Godbole mentioned that social meadia has brought the world at one platform but today’s school and college students are misusing it as  a weapon to spoil their career, He encouraged the students by telling his own example, later many students asked their queries or questions . The programme ended /with vote of thanks. 

Q.2           Write a short report on blood donation camp arranged in your college.
                                                                       Blood Donation Camp

Latur Aug 15 2022:
                 A grand blood donation camp was arranged by Ch. Shivaji College on the occasion of Independence Day. About 250 college students participated in blood donation programme and dedicated their service for the sake of humanity.
                 Firstly the blood donation camp was inaugurated by well known Marathi actor Makrand Annaspure. He appreciated the work of the students’. Council.  Mr. Prabhakar patil, the president of students council’ demonstrated the significance of blood donation, about 150 college students voluntarily donated blood. Their participation enthusiasm was appreciable ,the camp got response more than expectation . it is one of the greatest donation camps the city has ever experienced. Lastly donors were given certificate and  mementos.


3.Framing Interview Questions

Rules or Guidelines with Examples

                                                           Framing Interview Questions
Rules or guidelines for writing framing interview questions
1) Language should be simple , lucid and clear. follow the correct format of question.
2) Questions should be associated  with statements to make it more appropriate.
3) Use the given table as well as points and draft questions on the given fields associated with the personality.
4) Do not change the sequence of the questions given in the table. 
5) Tense, punctuation  and other grammar rules should be followed
Marks Distribution:
Appropriate Framing of Questions: 2 Marks
Language and Style: 1 Mark
Proper framing of questions: 1 Mark
Total: 4 Marks

Sample 1:
Imagine that you have to conduct an interview of a famous personality in the field of your own choice. With the help of the given table and points draft questions on the given fields associated with the personality. (Do not change the sequence of the questions)
Use the following format and write answer:
Column 1Column 2
Imagine that you have to conduct an interview of a famous personality in the field of your own choice. With the help of the given table and points draft questions on the given fields associated with the personality. (Do not change the sequence of the questions)
Use the following format and write answer:
Name of the Interviewee
(Distinguished personality)
Duration of Interview
Questions based on
1. Early life/struggle
2. Hurdles in Education
3. Role Model/ inspiration
4. Family support
5. First success/ Achievement
6. Success Plan
7. Dreams unfulfilled
8. Message


Column 1Column 2
Name of the Interviewee
(Distinguished personality)
Mr. Ratan Tata
Date/Venue/Time23 January 2022, All India Radio , Time 5 pm
Duration of Interview40 Minutes
Questions based on
1. Early life/struggleYou have come across great challenges in life, How do you tackle these challenges?
2. Hurdles in EducationYou have had a great academic track record. But you did face some hurdles. What were the hurdles you had faced in your life?
3. Role Model/ inspirationEveryone has role model in their life, May we know who is your role model ?
4. Family supportFamily support is very important to develop business. How did your family help or support you?
5. First success/ AchievementYou are at the zenith of your success, you have achieved many pinnacles, which is your greatest achievement till date?
6. Success PlanEvery success is on outcome of great plans, what is your strategy of success
7. Dreams unfulfilled Success is a journey, not a destination, would you please tell us about your any incomplete dream?
8. Message You are the idol of India's youth, what's your message for the youth of India to achieve success?

Sample 2
You have to interview a famous sports personality. With the help of the given table and points draft questions on the given fields associated with the personality. (Do not change the sequence of the questions)
Use the following format and write answer:

Column 1Column 2
Name of the Interviewee Virat Kohli
(Famous personality)Sports- Former Captain of Indian Cricket Team
Area of Success/ ReputationSports- Former Captain of Indian Cricket Team
Date/Venue/Time10 January , MG college Prize distribution ceremony
Duration of Interview1 hr
Questions based on
1. Student lifeWe come to know that you couldn’t manage study properly because of cricket practice.
How was your school or college life?
2. Early InterestYou are called the genius of cricket, how did you develop your interest?
3. IdolsEveryone has their mentor or idol in their life, who is your moving spirit or idol?
4. Primary trainingTo become a good cricketer specific training is essential. Can you tell our audience where did you get the primary training?
5.OpportunityToday you are the main pillar of Indian team, we are eager to know, when did you get first opportunity to play for India?
6. AchievementsYou have earned a great name and fame in cricket , please tell us which is your greatest accomplishment?
7. Target/GoalsYou are at the zenith of your success, is there any goal or target of achievement you have decided for yourself?
8. SuggestionAll the devotees of cricket follow you, you are one of the greatest mentors for them, what's your message for the youth of India to achieve success in our life?

C) 1. Speech

Points To Remember
1]      Take care of language, tense, content- and basic punctuation rules.
2]      It should be around 120-150 words, around 15-20 lines.
3]      Take care of proper introduction.
4]      Point add extra information.
5]      Make use of rhetorical questions.
6]      Lastly thank the organizers.

Pleasant good morning to everyone present here. Today I want to shed light on a very important topic entitled.

          Introduction of the topic
(5-6 lines)
Details of the topic
(10-lines )
I thank you for giving me
Opportunity for shoring my
          Thanks Jai Hind
          Have a great day.
Q.      Write a speech on my idea of India as a developed country.
                                     My Idea of India As A developed Country
Pleasant good morning to everyone present here. Today I want to share my ideas on a very energetic topic -my idea of India as a developed country.
          Friends, India is really a gorgeous and wonderful country , just we have to change our policies and the format of systems. An ideal country is observed through a good infrastructure ,well-built roads which  help to develop a certain country. If roads are good, transportation   will be easy and pollution free. That’s why I expect great highways to every nook and corner of India. Good condition of roads saves nation’s fuel and develops good connectivity encouraging trade and commerce.

          Secondly every village should be provided with basic essential needs like water, electricity, roads, healthy facilities etc.
               If villages are prosperous, our country will be prosperous.
          Thirds, education should be given top priority .There should be great budget for the implementation of educational policies. If People are educated, there will be more prosperity as education changes the frame of peoples’ mind, Information technology should be innovated for developing our country. I thank you for giving me opportunity to speak share my thoughts.
Jai Hind have a great day.
Q.  Prepare a speech on ‘Organ Donation’
                                                                 Organ Donation
            Good morning to everyone present here. Today I am going to speak on a very important topic ‘Organ Donation’ on the auspicious occasion of Republic Day celebration.
          Organ donation is supposed to be the greatest divine donation, the supreme donation If we donate organs we live after our death. Organs like liver, heart, lungs ,eyes, kidneys ,heart can be donated. In India everyday many people die of organ failure. If they get the concerned organs, they get new life.
      There are many donations but this organs donation is without parallel , just have to fill a form when we are active or alive and the remaining formalities will be performed by the concerned authorities. Dear friends, I request you to go to Govt. Hospital today and fill the consent form. Believe me ,you will feel eternal happiness.
       I hope you will respect my request . I thank you the organizing community for giving me opportunity to share my thoughts.
          Jai Hind Have a Great Day.

2. Compering

A compere is also called as an anchor  who manages the programmes with his script. He introduces the programmes, manages all the events with proper sequence. In short he is the co-ordinator and host of the programme.
Points to remember:

          1]      Use proper introduction
          2]      Use appropriate words for the quests
          3]      The sequence of the programmes should be proper
          4]      maintain all the formalities properly
          5]      Conclude the programme properly

Question : 1
Q.1)  Imagine you are given an opportunity to compere a programme at your college based on‘ English language day. As a compere , draft the whole programme script deciding the flow of the overall programme  use the following points
          1]      Introduction song
          2]      Welcome and introduction
          3]      Felicitation, speaker’s participate
          4]      Vote of thanks
          5]      Add some important point   

Introduction : I , A.B.C welcome all of you for this gorgeous programme our college has arranged ‘ English language Day respecting the request of students, The main intention of the programme is to enrich the communication skill of our students.

Welcome speech :
          Today we are lucky to have eminent  speaker Mr. Gopinath Patil as a chief guest. The president of the programme is our respected principal Mr.Pramod Patil Sir. I request the secretary of students council to welcome them by garlanding them and offering a memento.

Lighting the lamp :
I request our dignitaries to garland the portrait of Goddess Saraswati and light the lamp.

Welcome Song :
Now I request the students  of std 11th cultural group to sing a welcome song in honour of the dignitaries.

Main events
I request our principal sir to demonstrate the annual report of cultural activities and the main objectives of today’s pragramme .

Thank you sir
          Now I request our chief guest to guide and motivate our students.

Thank you sir.

Vote of Thanks:
It’s time to conclude the programme I request Mr. Satish kulkarni sir to express of vote of thanks.

  Q.  Imagine you are given an opportunity to compere a programme organized at your college with reference to yoga day’
          As a compere draft the whole programme script deciding the flow of over-all programme.

Ans: Introduction :
Good morning everyone . I am ABC compere of this programme, our college has arranged this grand programme to kindle the flame of yoga to every individual and acquaint its divine power for everyone.

Welcome speech:
          Today we are fortunate to have famous Yog Guru Acharya Dayanand Guru as our speaker and chief guest Mr. Prasad Joshi , the principal of our college presides over the function firstly I request Mr. Pratik Deshpande, Secretary, Student council to welcome the chief guest and the President of programme by offering garland,coconut and a momento.

Lighting the lamp
          I request the dignitaries to garland the idol of goddess Saraswati and light the lamp as a part of our tradition.

Welcome song :
          Now the students of cultural group of our college will welcome the guests by singing a welcome song in their honour.
          Thank you all of you.

Main Events.
          I would like to invite our principal sir to express the main objective of this programme.
Thank you sir.
          Now its time to listen to our chief guest , I request the Yog Guru to motivate our students with his motivational words.
Thank you sir. Really your speech was inspiring and yoga Asan demonstration was praiseworthy.

Vote of Thanks :
          Now its time to conclude the programme . I would like to request Mr . Satish Jadhav to express vote of Thanks.

3. Expansion of idea

Points to remember:
1]      Here students will be given a proverb , thought ,a maxim, quotation or an idiom.
2]      Students are expected to expand the given idea with good comprehension and examples.
3]      Take care of tense, content. Language etc.
4]      follow the given formal
1st paragraph

                   [Intro paragraph]
          Actual meaning, significance of the proverb

2nd paragraph
          Practical meaning of the proverb

3rd paragraph
          Examples to support the statement

4th paragraph
          Conclusion / moral
Q.      Expand the given idea.
                                                 Empty vessel makes much noises

          This is a well known proverb commonly used in our day today life . It has a great significance.
          The actual meaning is that the vessel which is partially filled makes much noise compared to the vessel which is fully filled.
     The practical meaning is very clear. A person who has a great knowledge never shows off ,whereas a person who has a little knowledge always boasts of his knowledge and try to impress others. In the same way, a person who is really wealthy is very polite and honest whereas a person who has less wealth tries to show off his knowledge. This principle is applicable to the listeners and the talkers.
          Sometimes a person talks a lot and does a little but a great doer never talks a lot , he shows his greatness through his actions.
            This proverb gives a great message regarding pompus or boastful nature ,we should concentrate on work instead of talk.
Q.2   Expand the given idea Time and Tide wait for None.
                                                   Time and Tide Wait for none
          This is a well known proverb commonly used in our day today life having a great significance.
         The actual meaning of the proverb is time and tide never forgive anyone if we irrespective them. Time waits for none.
            It has its own phenomenon.
        The practical meaning is very clear. We should respect time as time plays a great role for our development . If we respect time, the world will respect us.
          Time is never bound to anyone , great people are successful because they respect time.
           Every second, minute ,hour, day ,month weak has its own importance , time expects that we should run with it . It never looks back, it just proceeds. We should not try to stop the wheels of time, we should run with them. For everyone time management is necessary or else we suffer a lot.

D) 1 ) Review writing

You have recently water a movie write a review using following points .
1]      Title of the film.
2]      The star cast.
3]      Central Idea
4]      performance by the actors.
5]      Protagonist  (main character).
6]      Message given by the movie.
7]      Your opinion.

Ans :                         Dangal

The star cast: Dangal is based on real life story Amir Khan  shines again as Mr perfectionist .The major star cast is Aamir Khan, Sakshi Tanwar ,Fatima Sheikh, Zaira Khan

The central idea :
Mahavir Singh Phogat is an Indian a master wrestler. He decides to fulfill his dream of winning a gold medal for his country by training his  daughters for the commonwealth games. He had to tackle great extremes from everyone for training his daughters for wrestling.

Performers by the actors: 
Superb acting once again by Aamir Khan as the main character. Fatima Sana and Sanjay Malhotra play the role of his daughters .Sakshi Tanwar once again justified her role of Mahaveer’s wife. Aporshakti khurore. played the role of their brother. Really wonderful acting by everyone .

Protagonist : Main character is played by Amir khan as Mahavir Phogat. A  determined father who tolerated social comments while pursuing his goal . He met many obstacles but didn’t give up No one was with him including his family while challenging the social customs . At last he was successful to achieve his goal.

Message given by the movie
This movie gives a great message for those who are determined for success. One should be fully dedicated to achieve their goal. Though goal may be challenging, our efforts should be more challenging.

My opinion : This is one of the best movies I have ever seen ,really inspiring and encouraging.

Dear Students, Please click the link for Book Review

2 ) Blog writing

Points to remember
1]      Follow the proper format
2]      Write the date, title, intro paragraph and main body with correct sequence.
3]      Take care of tense, punctuation rules, grammatical structure .
4]      Use the given format.

Write a blog on Cycling.
The Best Exercise with the help of following points
          1]      Safety equipment
          2]      Best exercise
          3]      Benefits

Among all the exercises, swimming is called as the king of exercise followed by cycling . Cycling has uncountable health benefits that’s why everyone should adopt cycling as their priority exercise.
          The greatest benefit of cycling is weight loss. Yes it is true, we can maintain ideal weight by regular cycling. It improves our metabolism. It  strengthens are leg muscles. It develops our a petite. Regular  cycling controls proper level of cholesterol. Regular cycling keeps our heart active and develop its mechanism cycling, walking and swimming are the most prescribed exercises regular cycling makes us slim and keeps us away from high risk diseases like diabeties, high blood pressure etc.

3) Appeal

  1. Prepare on appeal on ‘Blood Donation Camp’ arranged in your college using following points:
  2. Date / Day / Time
  3. Make use of pictorial effect
  4. Chief Guest
  5. Add your points

          Donate Blood!                                                                                Save Lives!

Dear friends,
          In India everyday 20 to 25 people die in road accidents. Many of them die during surgical operations as they don’t get blood on time.

What a tragedy !
             Why don’t people donate blood?

             It is just because of misconceptions and misunderstanding.
    To encourage people, for blood donation, our club has arranged a blood
    donation camp.
    You are invited.

Come one come all.
                                                                                                                    An appeal by,
                                                                                                                    M.A. College,

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