Written by 11:43 am Std.12 English

Std.12 | Dialogue Writing | Worksheet |

Imp. Points

  • Read the given questions 1, 2, 3,
  • Think over the issue or subject and prepare your opinions and impressions on
  • Dialogue should be spontaneous, so use simple
  • Use polite words like –Excuse me, Please, Thank you, Well, Good, Oh God! What? So sad!, How nice!
  • Use proper tense according to the incidents in conversation
  • Use question answered pattern in It will take conversation forward.
  • Beginning and end should be good.
  • Begin every saying of the speaker with capital.
(1) Prepare a dialogue from the jumbled sentences.                   (01)
A] Yes, I do. but don’t totally depend on his blessing.
B] Why so?
A] Do you believe in god?
B] I believe in hard work more.

(2) Complete the following dialogue.(01)
A] Where do you spend your holidays.
A] Why do you like the lace?

(3)Write a dialogue of minimum six meaningful exchanges on ‘The importance of reading’. (03)

Rakesh : Hello! Where are you going my friend?
Rohit : Hi! I am going to library to read books.
Rakesh : Why should we read the books?
Rohit  : My dear, books give us information, knowledge and develops our speaking skills.
Rakesh : Oh! Really.
Rohit  : Books can not only motivates but also develop our personality.
Rakesh : O! Now I understand the importance of reading. I will read books.
Thanks for opening my eyes.
Rohit  : You are always welcome.

(1) Prepare a dialogue from the jumbled sentences. 01
A : Could you finish all the questions in time?
B : Question number 5 and 6 were difficult for me
A : Which questions were difficult for you?
B : Yes, I could.

(2) Complete the following dialogue. 01

A : Do you like to hear bedtime stories?
A : Which stories do you like to hear the most?

(3) Write a dialogue on ‘Preparation for the exam’ between you and your friend.
(Minimum 3 meaningful exchanges)  03

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