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Std.12_English_Speech Writing_Worksheet

 Honourable Headmaster, respected judges, my loving teachers and my friends.

Today, our school has arranged an elocution competition. I would like to express my-self.

My subject of speech is………………… You know that this is very important subject. I request you to listen to my views quietly and attentively ……..………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………
I am very thankful to all of you for hearing my few words.
                                                                                                                             Jay Hind.

Prepare a speech to be delivered by you at children’s day celebration, laying stress on “Today’s Children – Future of India”

1. Care of children’s education

2. Health care
3. Inspiring them the national value.
4.Motivate them to become a good citizen.

                                              “Today’s Children – Future of India”.
Honourable Headmaster, respected judges, my loving teachers and my friends.
Friends, today I would like to express my-self. My subject of speech is “Today’s Children – Future of India”. You know that this is very important subject. I request you to listen to my views quietly and attentively.
The wealth of a nation cannot be counted in terms of its economic growth but in the kind and quality of its children. So you all are the wealth of our nation. The future and success of our nation rests on you. You, the children of today will be adults of tomorrow and shape the destiny of our nation. It  then  becomes  essential  that you  are  healthy, wealthy  and  wise. And it becomes our responsibility that we give the highest priority to your physical, mental and moral well-being.
When you are nurtured to become strong, healthy and intellectual youth, it becomes your responsibility to use your talents, energies and enthusiasm for a positive goal and purpose.
You are blessed with bounties of talents and capabilities. Use them constructively in nation building and strengthening it. To prepare you for such a role we have several projects, facilities and schemes. These will help you to get educated in a productive manner. It is our responsibility to provide you progressive education according to the needs of the society.
This education will not only help you in acquiring professional skills but also moral values. It is rightly said, ‘A sound mind dwells in a healthy body’. So health should be taken care of. It becomes our responsibility to maintain clean and hygienic environment to avoid  health problems. We must avoid junk food and go in for healthy, nutritious diet. Remember it is you children who can lead the nation to greater heights and newer worlds. So channelize your abilities positively in the desired direction.

I am very thankful to all of you for hearing my few words.
                                                                                                Jay Hind.

You have to deliver a speech on ‘How to achieve great success.’ Prepare a speech with the help of the following points. @ Know your abilities.@ Have an ambition. @ Plan your actions. @ Accept challenges.  @ Work @ Slow and steady wins the race.

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