Written by 6:05 pm Motivational Stories

21.Talking About Others Is A Waste Of Time – A Motivational Story

Once a person came to Socrates and said, ”I want to mention something about your friend.”

Socrates said, “Very good, i’m wanting to listen but please answer three questions before you tell about my friend,”

First Question: Whatever you’re getting to tell about my friend, have you ever listened or acquainted personally ?

The man said : No

Second Question: Is it useful to you whatever you are going to say?

The man said : No

Third Question : Is it useful for me ?

The man said : No

Socrates said, ”Then why are you telling me?”.

Moral : We should not waste our time talking about others, it’s a waste of your time .
Once a man came to Socrates and said, ”I want to say something about your friend.”

Socrates said, “Very good, I am eager to listen but please answer three questions before you tell about my friend,”

First Question: Whatever you are going to tell about my friend, have you listened or acquainted personally ?

The man said : No

Second Question: Is it useful to you whatever you are going to say?

The man said : No

Third Question : Is it useful for me ?

The man said : No

Socrates said, ”Then why are you telling me?”.

Moral : We should not waste our time talking about others, it is a waste of time.
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