Written by 11:12 pm Only CBSE

Test Your Skill In Articles

Article is a very interesting topic in English, some rules are confusing specially of a, an , check your skill by attending this test

Q, Use a,/ an, /the

  1. He is ….. SBI officer.
  2. He is …..NCC cadet.
  3. He came by….ST bus
  4. He takes….dinner at 8 pm
  5. It is….X ray machine.
  6. He jumped into ….water
  7. He came in …summer
  8. They asked ….unique question.
  9. I told…lie that day.\
  10. He always speaks…truth.


1. an
2. an
3. an
4.  nothing
5. an
6. nothing
7. nothing
8.. a 
9. a 
10. the

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