Written by 12:44 am Motivational Stories

The Next name of life is struggle- struggle makes you more active ( 7. A Motivational Story)

Generally struggle is taken as negative by many people, but reality is struggle makes our life more active and energetic, there should be struggle in life or else we ll be inactive or lazy, the given story will justify the point.

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Here shark is symbol of problems and struggle in our life , actually struggle and problems in our life make us active and energetic. That’s why we should always accept struggle and obstacles in positive way.

Once in a certain country , people used to prefer fish as their as their favourite food, the fishermen would catch fish respecting their preference. Because of great catching of fish, they population of fish was affected and the the nearby water sources were not sufficient for them to catch more fish.

The fishermen started to move long into the sea to catch the fish. They would catch the fish, keep in a great container but to their surprise, many of the fish would go rotten or dead before they reach the destination.

The fishermen had an idea, they arranged a big freezer to keep the fish fresh. Their idea to some extent proved fruitful but after some days people didnt find good taste for such stored fish. They lost interest in such fish.

Now the fishermen were in great confusion, they were in deep anxiety to tackle this problem.

They had an ides, they made a great container, and the container was divided into two parts ,  in one side of the partition they kept small shark fish and in the big part of the partition they kept their bulk fish . When the fish used to see the shark in the container , they used to move here and there, it happened that the fish were active every time and they would sustain till their destination. Actually there was a glass partition , the shark couldn’t reach the fish, but the fish used to think that the shark would attack them and ate them, that’s why they were active to save their lives. The fishermen were happy to have good business as the fish remained alive and fresh.


Here shark is a symbol of problems and struggle in our life , actually struggle and problems in our life make us active and energetic. That’s why we should accept struggle and obstacles in positive way.

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