Written by 8:33 pm Grammar For All

Kinds Of Sentences

A meaningful group of words is called sentence. Here are the types of sentences with their definitions and examples

Kind Of Sentences

There are four kinds of sentences:

1. Assertive sentence/ statement/ Declarative:

The sentence which makes a statement is called an assertive sentence.

Note:          Assertive sentence generally begins with noun or pronoun.

For Ex. 1.   We should be kind with the poor.  
               2.    I don’t know about it.

Assertive sentence has two types: 
1. Affirmative sentence      : I like to help you.
2. Negative sentence           : I don’t like to help you.

2. Interrogative sentence:

The sentence that asks a question is called an interrogative sentence.

It has two types:

a. WH – ? Type
The question which begins with wh word (what, where, why, which, who, whom, how etc.) is called wh – ? Type.

For Ex. 1.   Why are you so worried?
2. How are you? How did you come here?
3. Where do you reside?

b. Yes / No answer? Type: (Verbal Question)
The question which begins with helping verb (auxiliary verb) is called yes/no question type.

Note: am, is, are, was, were, has, have, will, shall, can, may, must, had, would, should, could, might, do, need, dare are the helping verbs in English.

Note: am, is, are, was, were are called to be forms.

For Ex.1.    Have you checked your notes?
2. Don’t you like my gift?
3. Would you like to come here?

3. Imperative sentence:

The sentence that shows command, request, entreaty, desire or an instruction is called an imperative sentence.             

Note: Imperative sentence generally begins from verb.

(Exception: don’t, be)

For Ex.1.   May god bless you.
2. Come here soon.
3. Have mercy on us.
4. Get out from here. (Here the subject you is understood.)

4. Exclamatory sentence:

The sentence which expresses sudden feelings or emotions is called exclamatory sentences.

For Ex.1.   Ah! What a tragedy!
2. My ticket! One chore!
3. What a melodious voice!
4. What a dull pronunciation it is!

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