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Std.12 | English | Compering

Here is a format and examples of compering for students.

compering with examples and format

A compere is also called as an anchor  who manages the programmes with his script. He introduces the programmes, manages all the events with proper sequence. In short he is the co-ordinator and host of the programme.

Points to remember:
          1]      Use proper introduction
          2]      Use appropriate words for the quests
          3]      The sequence of the programmes should be proper
          4]      maintain all the formalities properly
          5]      Conclude the programme properly

Question : 1
Q.1)  Imagine you are given an opportunity to compere a programme at your college based on‘ English language day. As a compere , draft the whole programme script deciding the flow of the overall programme  use the following points
          1]      Introduction song
          2]      Welcome and introduction
          3]      Felicitation, speaker’s participate
          4]      Vote of thanks
          5]      Add some important point   

Introduction : I , A.B.C welcome all of you for this gorgeous programme our college has arranged ‘ English language Day respecting the request of students, The main intention of the programme is to enrich the communication skill of our students.

Welcome speech :
          Today we are lucky to have eminent  speaker Mr. Gopinath Patil as a chief guest. The president of the programme is our respected principal Mr.Pramod Patil Sir. I request the secretary of students council to welcome them by garlanding them and offering a memento.

Lighting the lamp :
I request our dignitaries to garland the portrait of Goddess Saraswati and light the lamp.

Welcome Song :
Now I request the students  of std 11th cultural group to sing a welcome song in honour of the dignitaries.

Main events
I request our principal sir to demonstrate the annual report of cultural activities and the main objectives of today’s pragramme .

Thank you sir
          Now I request our chief guest to guide and motivate our students.

Thank you sir.

Vote of Thanks:
It’s time to conclude the programme I request Mr. Satish kulkarni sir to express of vote of thanks.

  Q.  Imagine you are given an opportunity to compere a programme organized at your college with reference to yoga day’
          As a compere draft the whole programme script deciding the flow of over-all programme.

Ans: Introduction :
Good morning everyone . I am ABC compere of this programme, our college has arranged this grand programme to kindle the flame of yoga to every individual and acquaint its divine power for everyone.

Welcome speech,
          Today we are fortunate to have famous Yog Guru Acharya Dayanand Guru as our speaker and chief guest Mr. Prasad Joshi , the principal of our college presides over the function firstly I request Mr. Pratik Deshpande, Secretary, Student council to welcome the chief guest and the President of programme by offering garland,coconut and a momento.

Lighting the lamp
          I request the dignitaries to garland the idol of goddess Saraswati and light the lamp as a part of our tradition.

Welcome song :
          Now the students of cultural group of our college will welcome the guests by singing a welcome song in their honour.
          Thank you all of you.

Main Events.
          I would like to invite our principal sir to express the main objective of this programme.
Thank you sir.
          Now its time to listen to our chief guest , I request the Yog Guru to motivate our students with his motivational words.
Thank you sir. Really your speech was inspiring and yoga Asan demonstration was praiseworthy.

Vote of Thanks :
          Now its time to conclude the programme . I would like to request Mr . Satish Jadhav to express vote of Thanks.

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