Written by 3:28 pm English Grammar Worksheet

English General Grammar Worksheet

Q.1    As soon as I reached the platform, the train left.
          (Use No sooner….. than)
Ans:  No sooner did I reach the platform than the train left.

Q.2    When the tower tumbles he learns to approach the task in a different. way.           (Use ‘ As soon as’)
Ans:  As soon as the tower tumbles, he learns to approach the task in a different way.

3]      I will make the announcement , as soon as I reach the office.
(Use No sooner….. than)
Ans:  No sooner do I reach the office than I will make the announcement.

4]      She is quick and careful enough to stop it as soon as it reaches the right   figure. (Rewrite using No sooner …than)
Ans:- No sooner does it reach the right figure than she is quick and careful         enough to stop it.

5]      As soon as the thief ran out the jail, the guard fired at him.
          (Use No sooner….. than)
Ans:- No sooner did the thief run out of the jail than the guard fired at him.

6]      Farmers were unhappy because of the late arrival of the Monsoon. As soon  as it started raining the farmers became happy.
          (say the same thing using  No sooner ….. than)
Ans:  Farmers were unhappy because of the late arrival of the Monsoon. No     sooner did it start raining than the farmers became happy.

7]      As soon as the thief heard noise, he ran away.
          (Rewrite using No sooner… than)
Ans:  No sooner did the thief hear the noise than he ran away.

8]      As soon as the plane had landed, there was a loud explosion.
(Use Hardly… when)
Ans:  Hardly had the plane landed when there was a loud explosion.

9]      When the whole people become full of faith, ordinary men and women    become heroes.
          (Use No sooner….. than)
Ans:  No sooner do the whole people become full of faith than ordinary men and  women become heroes.

10]    No sooner did the teacher reach the school than the children gathered     around him. (Use No sooner….. Than)
Ans:  As soon as the teacher reached the school, the children gathered around him.
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