Written by 11:57 pm Competitive Exam English, Grammar For All

Kinds of Sentences

Here are kinds of sentences, definition , examples and exercise

kinds of sentences

There are four kinds of sentences in English.

1. Assertive / Declarative / Statement
2. Interrogative Sentence
3. Imperative Sentence
4. Exclamatory Sentence

1. Assertive / Declarative / Statement
The sentence that makes a statement is called a declarative or assertive sentence.

Note: Assertive sentence generally begins with noun or pronoun.

2. Interrogative Sentence
          The sentence that asks a question is called interrogative sentence.
It has two types:

a. Wh-? Type
It begins with wh-words like what, where, who, whom, whose, when, how, which, etc.

For Ex.
          What ails you?

          Whom do you ask?
          Where will you go?
          How do you do?

b. Yes / No – ? Type (Verbal Question)
          The question that answers yes or no is calling yes / no type.

(Yes / No type begins with helping verbs like am, is, are, was, were, has, have, had, do, does, did, will, would, shall, should, can, could, may, might, must)

For Ex.
          May I ask you a doubt?

          Can I do it for you?
          Will you digest your anger?
          Should I abide the rules?

3. Imperative Sentence
The sentence that expresses order, request, advice is called as imperative sentence.

Note: Imperative sentence generally begins with main verb.
(Only Exception Be, Don’t, May)

For Ex.
Please help me.

Help the destitute.
Solve the matter.
Don’t be greedy.
Be prompt.
May God Bless You.

4. Exclamatory Sentence
The sentence that expresses sudden feelings like joy, sorrow, fear, surprise etc. is called exclamatory sentence.

For Ex.
How dull it is!

What a pity!
How miserable it is!
What a great performance!
How impudent he is!


Identify Kinds of Sentences

A. We were shocked

  1. Assertive sentence
  2. Interrogative sentence
  3. Imperative sentences
  4. Exclamatory sentences

Ans: 1

B. How amazing it is!     

  1. Assertive sentence
  2. Interrogative sentence
  3. Imperative sentences
  4. Exclamatory sentences

Ans: 4

C. May god help you!

  1. Assertive sentence
  2. Interrogative sentence
  3. Imperative sentences
  4. Exclamatory sentences

Ans: 4

D. What a great problem!

  1. Assertive sentence
  2. Interrogative sentence
  3. Imperative sentences
  4. Exclamatory sentences

Ans: 4

E. Who helped you?

  1. Assertive sentence
  2. Interrogative sentence
  3. Imperative sentences
  4. Exclamatory sentences

Ans: 2

F. She Didn’t know about it.

  1. Assertive sentence
  2. Interrogative sentence
  3. Imperative sentences
  4. Exclamatory sentences

Ans: 1

G. May I help you?

  1. Assertive sentence
  2. Interrogative sentence
  3. Imperative sentences
  4. Exclamatory sentences

Ans: 2

H. Don’t be miser.

  1. Assertive sentence
  2. Interrogative sentence
  3. Imperative sentences
  4. Exclamatory sentences

Ans: 3

I. Be industrious.

  1. Assertive sentence
  2. Interrogative sentence
  3. Imperative sentences
  4. Exclamatory sentences

Ans: 3

J. Come here to help me.         

  1. Assertive sentence
  2. Interrogative sentence
  3. Imperative sentences
  4. Exclamatory sentences

Ans: 1

K. She doesn’t know about it?

  1. Assertive sentence
  2. Interrogative sentence
  3. Imperative sentences
  4. Exclamatory sentences

Ans: 1

L. Sorry, he can’t do it.

  1. Assertive sentence
  2. Interrogative sentence
  3. Imperative sentences
  4. Exclamatory sentences

Ans: 1

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