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Figures Of Speech

Figures of speech is a poetic device used to beautify the language, here are the definitions of all figures of speech with examples.

figures of speech, definition , examples detail study

Figures Of Speech

Figure of speech is a poetic device in which simple expression is converted into a sophisticated manner. In short, figures of speech beautify the language.

1. Simile


In this figure of speech there is a direct comparison between two different things having similar quality.

Note:  Generally, simile is denoted by the expressions like as ………..as and like.

1.  Life is like a journey.
2. Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj fought like a lion.
3. He came like a wind.
4. Latadidi sings like a cuckoo.
5.I wondered lonely as a cland.

Q. This man is as happy as a lark. (Name and explain figure of speech)



There is a comparison between the man and the lark having similar quality of being happy. 



There is an implied (indirect) comparison between two different things having similar quality.

1. Life is a journey.
2. The camel is the ship of the desert.
3. Success is a journey.
4. Life is a dream.
5. Latadidi is the cuckoo of India.
6. For some students physics is the Himalaya.

Q. Our body is a machine. (Name and explain figure of speech)


Metaphor :
There is an implied (indirect) comparison between body and the machine having similar quality (appearance).

3. Onomatopoeia


Here, sound suggests the meaning.

1. Rustling of leaves
2. Zuk zuk of the train
3. Bursting of bubbles
4. Tring tring of the phone

Q. Whirling of wind. (Name and explain figure of speech)


Onomatopoeia :
Here, sound suggests meaning.

4. Personification


Here, non-living things, inanimate objects, abstract qualities are personified by giving human qualities.

1. This road calls me again and again.    
2. Dancing the leaves came.
3. Opportunity knocks at the door once
4. Honesty always speaks

Q. Mountains were laughing. (Name and explain figure of speech)


Here, mountains are personified by giving human quality of laughing.

5. Hyperbole


Here, there is an overstatement and the idea is exaggerated.

1.  Even the sky came to welcome me.
2. I want to touch the sky.
3.   I have met you after ages.
4. Even mountains were laughing.
5. I saw million flowers.
6. Such a war, blood ran like river.

Q. The hills were clapping with joy. (Name and explain figure of speech)


Here, the idea is exaggerated and there is an overstatement.

6. Transferred Epithet


Here, an adjective is transferred from its root place to another for great emphasis (effect).

1.  The farmer went to his tired way.
2. The students passed sleepless nights.
3. He threw a cruel arrow.       
4. We spent a dreadful day.

Q. They are shy hotel travellers.
(Name and explain figure of speech)

Transferred epithet:

Here, the adjective shy is transferred from travellers to hotel.

7. Antithesis


Opposite words or ideas are used for great emphasis. (effect)

1.  Man proposes, god disposes.
2. Life is full of joys and sorrows.
3. Some are lucky, many are unlucky.
4. United we stand, divided we fall.
5. To err is human, to forgive is divine.
6. Speech is silver, silence is golden.
7. Laugh and the world laugh with you cry and you can alone.

Q. He worked day and night. (Name and explain figure of speech)

Antithesis :
Here, two opposite words day and night used for a great emphasis.

8. Tautology


Here, two or more words having similar meanings are used.

1. Full of dirt and fifth.
2. How surprised and astonished.
3. He is modest and polite.
4. Gorgeous, pleasant climate it was.
5. Life is full of miseries and sorrows.

Q. They badgered and troubled me.
(Name and explain figure of speech)


Here, two words badgered and troubled have same meanings.

9. Metonymy


Here, there is substitution of words.

1.  We bowed before the crown. [King]
2. Our head just bend before the sky. [God]
3. There is an order from Delhi. (any certain office)
4. The pen is mightier than the sword. (Writer) [Soldiers]
5. I touch this soil as a respect. [Mother Earth]
6. The wind touched our crown. [Head]
7. There is an order from heavy. [God]

Q. There is a call from the office.
(Name and explain figure of speech)

Metonymy : Here, there is a substitution of word. Office stands for an officer.

10. Alliteration


In this figure of speech, there is a repetition of sound for musical effect.

1. Bursting of bubbles.
2. Whirling of wind.
3. Slow and steady it was.
4. Slowly silently be moved.
5. Seeing the snake they were shocked.

Q. Lighting the lamps of joy.
(Name and explain the figure of speech)

Alliteration : Here, the sound of ‘L’ is repeated pleasingly for musical effect.

11. Repetition


Here, there is repetition of words for musical effect.

1. Up, up the sky.
2. Son, son it gives me joy.
3. Twinkle, twinkle little star.
4. Look, look there is a way.
5. Men may come, men may go, I go on forever.

Q. Brook, brook how pleasant you are.
(Name and explain figure of speech)

Repetition :
Here, the word ‘brook’ is repeated pleasingly for musical effect.

12. Inversion


Here, the words are not arranged in a correct prose order.

[Subject + Verb = Prose order]

1. Dancing they went
2. Slowly they reacted
3. Said the apple tree
4. Silently they moved
5. Weary and tired he was

Q. Plenty of reasons I have.
(Name and explain the figure of speech)

Inversion :
Here, words are not arranged in a correct prose order.

The correct prose order is –I have plenty of reasons.

13. Climax


Here, ideas are arranged in an ascending order of their importance.

1. Birds, animals, humans angles stand here.
2. Silver, gold, platinum they have.
3. He came, he saw, he conquered.
4. He visited villages, towns cities etc.
5. Respected the common, uncommon and the great.

Q. Soldiers, generals, the king came to his honour.  
(Name and explain figure of speech)

Climax : Here ideas are arranged in an ascending order of their importance.

14. Anticlimax


Here, ideas are arranged in a descending order of their importance.

1.  Angles, humans, animals, birds are there.
2. He visited cities, towns, villages
3. They have platinum, gold, silver.

Q.The rich, the common, the poor, the sufferers are here
(Name and explain figure of speech

Anticlimax : Here, ideas are arranged in a descending order of their importance.

15. Interrogation


Here, a question is asked for a great emphasis.

1. What ails you?
2. How do you do?
3. Why should we listen?
4. Who bothers you?

Q. Is it pride of king? (Name and explain the figure of speech)

Interrogation :  Here, a question is asked for great emphasis.

16. Exclamation


Here, a strong feeling is expressed for a great emphasis.

1. How dreary it is!
2. What a pity!
3. How miserable it is!
4. What a whether!
5. How interesting it is to be here!

Q. How splendid it is! (Name and explain the figure of speech)

Exclamation : Here, a strong feeling is expressed for a great emphasis.

17. Synecdoche


In this figure of speech, a part is made to represent – the whole or vice versa.

1. India won the match. (11 players – India)
2. He has to feed many months. (Children)
3. A beautiful hand made this dish. (a lady)
4. Many eyes are looking at us. (People)
5. The Army attacked rapidly. (Army – soldiers)

Q. A skilled hand sculpted this statue.

(Name and explain the figure of speech)

Synecdoche : Here, a part represents whole, hand represents the artist.

18. Apostrophe


Here, there is a direct address to the dead, the absent or an object.

1. Oh wind! Blow with extreme wings.
2. O judgment! Where are yours.
3. O God! Came to rescue as.
4. O Charity! /we owe to you.

Q. My country, you are more than God.

(Name and explain the figure of speech)

Apostrophe: Here, there is a direct address to the country.

19. Euphemism


Here, a harsh reality is conveyed in polite manner.

1. Don’t tell me fairy tales. (lies)
2. He is taking permanent sleep.    
3. God has called them.
4. He will not come now.

Q. He has passed away. (Name and explain the figure of speech)

Euphemism : Here, a harsh reality is conveyed in a polite manner.

20. Paradox


Here, the ideas seem to be unpleasant but it may be true.

1.   Man proposes god disposes.
2. A doctor must be cruel to be kind.
3. The greatest joy of journey is to come to home
4. If you want pleasure, you have to forget pleasure.

Q. Truth is bitter. (Name and explain figure of speech)

Paradox : Here, ideas seems to be unpleasant but it is true.
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