Set - I
Punctually at midday, he opened his bag and spread out his professional equipment, which consisted of a dozen cowrie shells, a square piece of cloth with obscure mystic charts on it, a notebook and sharp abnormal gleam which was really an outcome of a continual searching look for customers, but which his simple clients took to be a prophetic light and felt comforted.
The power of his eyes was considerably enhanced by their position – placed as they were between he painted forehead and the dark whiskers which streamed down his cheeks: even a half-wit’s eyes would sparkle in such a setting. To crown the effect he wound a saffron- colored’ turban around his head. This color scheme never failed. People were attracted to him as bees are attracted to cosmos or dahlia stalks. He sat under the boughs of a spreading tamarind tree which flanked a path running through the Town Hall Park.
It was a remarkable place in many ways: a surging crowd was always moving up and down this narrow road morning till night .A variety of trades and occupations was represented all along its way: medicine-sellers, sellers of stolen hardware and junk, magicians and, above all, an auctioneer of cheap cloth, who created enough din all day to attract the whole town. Next to him in vociferousness came a vendor of fried groundnuts who gave his ware a fancy name each day, calling it Bombay Ice-Cream one day, and on the next Delhi Almond, and on the third Raja’s Delicacy, and so on and so forth, and people flocked to him. A considerable portion of this crowd dallied before the astrologer too.
A1] Complete the web with the eatables mentioned here. 02

- A2] Describe 02
Narrate in your words the preparations done by the astrologer before attending the clients.
Ans: The astrologer was very professional and practical in tackling the clients. He would put on perfect attire that would suit to his profession like applying vermilion on ash on forehead, putting on saffron turban and dress. His facial expression were perfect to his profession. He would keep equipment related to astrology like plymarion, cowries, palm photo and some mystic chart related to stars.A3] Do you believe in astrology? Why? 02
Ans: No not at all, I don’t believe in astrology . The greatest reason is that I believe that astrology is away from reality and practical approach. God never expects that we should behave according to the pattern of stars, on the contrary God insists on work is worship. Some people take advantage of our feelings and tangle us in the pattern of astrology. If astrology decides our future, what the use of hands and hardwork which are responsible for our future. Those people who are emotional and superstitious, they blindly believe in astrology.
A4] Language study 021] A variety of trade was represented all along the way. (Begin with he————)
He represented a variey of trade all along the way2] It was a remarkable place in many ways (Make it exclamatory )
What a remarkable place in many ways it was!A5] Write noun form of the following. 02
A] attract B] Sit C] call D] continualattraction
Set - II
Punctually at midday, he opened his bag and spread out his professional equipment, which consisted of a dozen cowrie shells, a square piece of cloth with obscure mystic charts on it, a notebook and sharp abnormal gleam which was really an outcome of a continual searching look for customers, but which his simple clients took to be a prophetic light and felt comforted.
The power of his eyes was considerably enhanced by their position – placed as they were between he painted forehead and the dark whiskers which streamed down his cheeks: even a half-wit’s eyes would sparkle in such a setting. To crown the effect he wound a saffron- colored’ turban around his head. This color scheme never failed. People were attracted to him as bees are attracted to cosmos or dahlia stalks. He sat under the boughs of a spreading tamarind tree which flanked a path running through the Town Hall Park.
It was a remarkable place in many ways: a surging crowd was always moving up and down this narrow road morning till night .A variety of trades and occupations was represented all along its way: medicine-sellers, sellers of stolen hardware and junk, magicians and, above all, an auctioneer of cheap cloth, who created enough din all day to attract the whole town. Next to him in vociferousness came a vendor of fried groundnuts who gave his ware a fancy name each day, calling it Bombay Ice-Cream one day, and on the next Delhi Almond, and on the third Raja’s Delicacy, and so on and so forth, and people flocked to him. A considerable portion of this crowd dallied before the astrologer too.
A1] State True or False. 02
A] There was sparkle in his eyes
B] The fried groundnut vendor was innovative for the names
C] The astrologer used to sit under a banyan tree
D] The place where the astrologer sat was dull
A2] Why was the place called remarkable? 02
Ans: The place was remarkable because of its features. There were plenty of small scale traders and vendors. Everyone was different in their features. There was din of vendors attracting the custormeres. Some had provision of their lights and othere were dependent on others.It was a crowded place full of trades and occupations.
A 3) Why would the people flock to the fried groundnut vendor?
A4] Personal 02
What is your opinion about the people who approach to the astrologer to know their future?
In my opinion , such people are purely superstitious and low will powered who immediately accept defeat or dont have patience or better they dont believe in themselves. When we are not successful , stars are not responsible for our failure, may be our hard work or perseverance lacks somewhere or there might be other reasons.
At any cost , I dont recommend astrology for our future or career because this science is man made , it has no base or protocol
A5] Language Study 02
1] The occupation was represented from his gestures.
His gestures showed representation of occupation.
(Use noun form of the underlined word and rewrite the sentience)
2] It was a remarkable place (make it negative)
It was not an ordinary or common place
Find out the words from the extract related to astrology
A5] Vocabulary 02
Match the following
a] Unique
b] Entire
c] Seller
d] Sufficient
a] Whole
b] vendor
c] enough
d] noticeable